Chapter 33:Cold hands

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~*Kyojuro's POV*~
     The sun shines down on me and gives the room a comfortable warmth  from the closed shoji screen, the futon I unrolled last night cozy with how its arms snuggle me into its covers. It's a lot less cold than what I had to go through, last time. It sure is nice not to be waking up without a stuffy nose, (y,n) made sure she'd keep the cold front outside.

     I shifted around in the bed of the guest room as I groaned, brushing my messy morning hair away from my face to look at the room. Second time in the guest room of the Ice Pillar; just like I'd speculated before, it's become more familiar with my company, drawn closer to me while asleep. From its spot on the other side of the space, it's dropped its arms, leaving me more at ease and cured from its hostility.

     (y,n) let me stay over for yet another night, it was too late already for me to be wandering  around with my compromised health. We went our separate ways after that well needed discussion from the evening before, put me to rest quicker than all these other days have. How else would I sleep, when I finally resolved not one problem, but the leading one that's been ailing me for over a year? Having the accomplishment under my pillow put me straight to sleep

    "Slept like a baby..." I mumbled to myself while I sat up in the covers, stretching out my arms in the sweet lighting of the morning. A new day waits for me to get up and greet it! The promise made in the previous day pushes me even more, urging my feet to stand up and bring an even longer stretch on.

     The pain from my wounds only bothered me a little bit, the simple thought was gone from my mind the second later as I walked over to the small mirror in the room hanging on the wall. I stood tall for its reflective face, shaking my head to fluff my hair out and-... oh... great.

    I dropped my smile right there on the dot, looking at my appearance further when I threw the attention away from my hair. Now this... this might be a touch more important than my morning bed-head.

     I turned around to glance at my back, making a full circle to examine my body begrudgingly. ... I almost knew there was no way the day could be start out this good without some type of problem coming up. Everything has to have some balance to it... here's the tip of the scale.

     I moved more carefully than how I was earlier as I traced my fingers across the splotches of crimson that've seeped into my casual-day Hakama, already so much around my chest and shoulder area. Still partially damp, by the feel of it. It couldn't have been too long ago when it started up again. 

     "Look at all this blood..." I sighed while slipping my top off my injured shoulders by each arm, peering at the bloody wrappings across my muscular back as well. How could I forget?!! My bandage wrappings, I'm supposed to change them every morning (tossing around in my sleep doesn't do wonders on my back, Shinobu's threatened to tie me to the bed frame during the night if I can't stop my sleeping 'activity')! 

     I flicked at the bandages, not even able to reach the center of my shoulder blades with all. How I'll possibly clean up my wounds is a mystery, now that I've neglected to think of what would happen after last night. I can manage to clean my shoulder and front on my own, but the main portion of the injuries over my spine are the real doozy. I don't know if going back to Shinobu at this time would be the right idea, either, I can't be walking around all bloodied... I get too much focus from the townsfolk when I come back all-roughed up in the mornings morning. 

     I turned to the closed door leading to the hallway when hearing soft footsteps across the wooden floors on the other side. (y,n), she could help. I won't deny that it's definitely something of a stretch... huh. Would she even help me, though? This... this would be a much bigger boundary to cross if I ask...

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