Chapter 11:Energy

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~*Kyojuro's POV*~
     Who will make the first move, we all ask ourselves, hushed among the air that breezes among the battlefield. Who will slip up, be the first to die? The question floating off somewhere in our minds with an intrusive introduction can't accurately be answered by anyone, nor predicted. Assuming the worst would be pointless. Every little action, move, breath; they're taken with precise caution- too sudden and out of nowhere, and the enemy might take it as a signal to attack.

     We have two sides of the fight here, and yet both have intentions so similar to the other. Both came willingly, on their own accord, looking for a fight to take. The meeting was arranged in hopes of eradicating the opposing half. However, the true meaning behind that last part will always be skewed by the intentions one holds.

      Eyes settled on Senshu and Tsurito especially close, I stood back up in a slow manner, lines of pain stringing across my abdomen from where I was hit a moment ago. Not much of a coax that bothers me, already on its way to being out of mind, as feeble as it is. Still impressed me how fast Senshu is, blocking the punches and swipes he made at me took more effort than what I've been using for the other demon. Our newest enemy has more skills in the arts of close combat,  definitely something that can be noted besides his young companion.

     There stands a slight danger with the angler and his fishing hook put together, the main gist of their entire relationship. One reels in the food, the other finishes it off. (y,n) and I have to be careful of those flexible arms we've dealt with already, they'll surely be all around the place. Don't pay them any regard, and I can take a good guess of how quickly we'll be pulled right in the way of one of Senshu's powerful attacks.

     My foot ever so slightly shifted to the right of me and through the grass beneath my feet-

     All hell broke loose.

     At just a moment's notice, I was countering several punches from the white-haired man as soon as he raced towards me, stopping all the attempts with my sword so as to not let him get any progress on me. His younger, stretchy counterpart took the path to his left wing, reaching out his long limbs at me with a cackle.

     "Demon blood art, fisher's hook-!!" He didn't get very far with the chance of losing my focus from his pale friend, not very far at all. A wall of ice was created between me and the spiked arms instantly, and just when they thought they'd crash through, the frozen water clung onto the skin, freezing them in a frigid state. Through my slashes at Senshu, I could see (y,n) holding off against Tsurito, shattering his body parts and giving him no chance to get much of a hit in at me.

     "Damn all this ice!!!" The teen yelled while the Ice Hashira caught him in his abdomen, stabbing her sword through him to resurface on the other side.

     "2nd form, numbing catalyst." She swiped her blade up from where it was in his middle, slicing a line at the center of his face to freeze up that portion of the demon's face while he desperately grew out branches of his sharp arms to block her from reaching his neck in time.

     Senshu, seeing his ally in peril, suddenly turned his attention away from me and to the woman. He raised one of his hands up to his third eye, creating a circle with his fingers as... it glowed. A hot white, complemented by the red veins that began to heat up along with it. His gaze reached (y,n) just as he blocked a few more of my attacks...

     "Demon blood art, soul beam." He breathed quietly to himself as the orb at the top of his head let out a high pitched scream, one that could be compared to a steaming tea-kettle.

     Before the man could aim his power at my comrade, I spun around and knocked the bottom of my foot up into his jaw, forcing him to face upwards towards the sky. He might be fast at close combat, but not as much as me! Letting himself get distracted won't do him any good, not with someone as agile as me.

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