Chapter 51:Vines

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~*Kyojuro's POV*~
     There's an emptiness in my head that I can't quite correlate with anything, that little twinge that won't free me from its grasp. My eyes, they stay on the rip across my shirt sleeve, a little straight cut, no struggle tearing into it. That, that's where it all goes blank for me. You'd think I'd know where this came from, or at least seen what did it... but there's nothing coming up from the waters. The hook is empty.

     If it'd come up with some good game wriggling at the end, maybe I would've been able to assist (y,n) earlier. I still have yet to hear anything after she went off to the infirmary, confused, her thoughts, meddled with. She isn't sick, she's been in perfect health all this time. Couldn't have been the cut, either, since I stayed on my feet. The same thing happened to Mitsuri on the other side of the building, from what we were told... so it has to be something else.

    I know so much as to recognize that her mind is being played with, mine as well. It feels like it's full of cotton now that I've been in the palace for long enough. I can see now why she was so agitated about the truth creeping between these walls, there was no playing around. We're on battlefields that go past our realm of perception, and there's no telling what reach they truly possess-

     "GyaA! I'm not that short, Kyojuro! Come on!!" Hah... g-got distracted too far.

    I juggled my platter and the goods on top when hopping back from my ally as he faltered in his steps, grasping his nose from underneath that scarp. The man quickly rushed his tray into my hands to clasp the other hand underneath the fabric, crouching down in pain. Right in the center where it's tender, what a trick shot, eh? I hit him a lot harder than I expected... as if I was PLANNING for him to be there.

     The Snake Pillar grumbled as a spot of red stained through his face cover, proving his efforts useless. Yes, it gets even worse. I got a perfect score, on that hit.  "Please, forgive me! I didn't think you would be that tall up!!" I tried to smile in the face of his cringe.

     "You aren't making this any better..." Iguro said squeakily while I set our trays down on a counter and hurried him out of the ballroom before anyone may notice the trouble. I can't leave him to deal with this on his own... it was a rather clumsy move of me.

     "Are you alright? How bad is your nose?" I mumbled while we made it to the hallway. To the medic's office we go... this is going to be the second time he sees me today. Not that he'll get tired of my face, but I doubt he regularly has so many patients coming in on the same evening.

     "... I can't breafe through my nothe... my shmell's off, too."

     "Ok, that's... not good." I have to force myself through this nervous laugh the further we go down the walkways, both crouched over together. I'm sure we can be gone for a little while, the other servants will take up our spots once someone notices the absence.

     "You're... not uthually this... thistracted." The slayer tried to force out some sensible words, clearly failing as he had to put his hands back up to his face and cover the bloody parts.

     "I'm a little troubled by  earlier. Whatever happened to (y,n) in the hallway, remember?"

     "Perfect timing, we're about to see her..." He rolled his eyes once we strode up to the open door of the infirmary, a much brighter space, free from the floral smell of the palace to fresh air and medications. The old doctor who assisted me in the last hour, he turned around from his desk, softening his face to see my smile once more today.

    "Another one, already? You're giving me more business than what I get in a week!" He sighed when standing up, going to gesture us inside and bring my friend a rag. I waited in the entrance while Iguro quickly followed, maybe more of a hesitation, to see (y,n) just a bed away from me.

Cold hearted (KyojuroxReader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz