Chapter 34:Infinity Castle

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      Another bloody letter sits in front of him for the second time, the orchestra of information so loud that it's got his ears ringing. It holds the head to Demon Corps by his neck to play with his ragdoll body- the worry from this one is trumps what befell him last time. It broke down the barrier to just speculations and theories, to the nightmares and monsters that lie in the pool of truths. What person could take this lightly?

     Rishima left one final message, the one unsent, the answer to the mystery going on lately. Even in death, she manages to assist Demon Corps towards a better hope in this war. Her demise has left a shadow over the hexad of Archives... actually, the entire tragedy at the Third Sector has. No amount of money from the sickly man's pockets can undo what disasters were reeked.

     Master Ubuyashiki grazed his hand over his cup of medicated tea as he waited in a room only also occupied by two Kakushi. Like the first scroll from the archive manager, he's already been read everything. He now awaits for a certain arrival, finally, someone he can discuss the issue with. He already sent a message to meet up less than a half an hour ago, meaning-

     The door to the room was opened by an assistant when someone tapped a light knock, "Announcing the arrival of the Insect Pillar; Shinobu Kocho." And here she is, Shinobu. Would've been much sooner if not for the traffic of patients at her home.

     The short woman bowed to the Kakushi that acknowledged her presence, turning to the head of their company as he smiled from his patio. The butterfly closed her colorful wings and rested her hands out in front of her, beaming brightly.

     "My child," A swish of his hand went to the pillow on the other side of him, "I should've expected you to get here so hastily, my tea hasn't even cooled yet! Come, take a seat~"

     "You know I'm not one to waste your time, sir. You're the last person I should fool with, I'll rush here whenever I'm needed." Shinobu laughed while taking the seat in front of him, fanning her haori out behind her.

     "How are things back at your estate?" He asked, sipping at his warm beverage.

     "Better now, things have changed in just the span of a week." Shinobu responded with the thought of her patients hanging over her head.

     "We just recently got that one survivor from the archive attack to open up to us, he's been in a state of shock ever since then. The poor guy wasn't eating or sleeping for days after we got him into the estate." Nakeda, Shirotsu Nakeda, for you all. It takes being in the right place at the right time to manage what he did. Falling asleep in one of the finalizing rooms of the building before Rishima was attacked, only surviving because he escaped to the first floor through another staircase before Gen raided the second story. He hasn't even heard that he was the only one out of the entire district to live... the guilt one would have to live through- if they even chose to live after that.

      "He's been telling us that he wants to go back to the Third Sector... but I need to do a mental background check before I can allow him. It's another one of the things on my list I need to take care of..." The Pillar sighed with a brush to her bangs. Her leader tilted hi head at the sound of the fatigue in her voice.

     "You're not overworking yourself, are you?"

     "No, no, don't worry. It's been a little hectic in the mansion during the weeks, is all. I've settled the conflicts. Tokito's already doing rehab for his leg, Rengoku's nearly back into the swing of things, and (l,n) should be back into battle by time that Rengoku is!" The woman relayed the information cheerily. She didn't even have to drag the bleeding Ice Pillar back to her estate when she found her, the Slayer complacently went along with her and Kyojuro...

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