Chapter 10:Fisher

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~*Kyojuro's POV*~
     "So, do I get a name for my wonderful guests? It'd be a joy to have something to call you by!" So he's a talker, apparently. I see this often in demons, still trying to hold onto some type of human decency.

     Letting his arms shrink to their more natural-looking form, Tsurito stood back up and smiled our way with his black hair falling around his face once more. Neither my teammate or I spoke, standing there silently. Not that we don't have any response whatsoever, it's just not obliged to be giving out our actual names. I myself am not absolutely fond of it for some demons, especially not for an opponent I know I'm going to be up against at any time. Having to hear my name from them rubs me all the wrong ways.

     The enemy on the opposite side of us dropped his shoulders at the reluctance wafting thickly off of our moods, all pouty at the face. "Oh come on, I LOVE getting the names of my prey so I can write them down later!" He whined to us childishly,  but the context... it doesn't match with the behaviour at all. No on in their right mind would say such.

     "Write them down later?" (y,n) repeated what he said in a hiss while she mounted her sword, a move that brought a swish of snowflakes to sharpen at her katana's dangerous blade. Her mouth moved in the moonlight to show a small frown on that mouth of hers, her emotions taking the wheel.

     Tsurito nodded- proud of his work is he? Surely seems that way by the manner in which he answered the woman. "Yep! I keep a little encyclopedia for all my kills back at the place I stay in, it's always so much fun~" The demon pointed in a direction adjacent to his position for us to all see. Shaded away by dipping branches and trees is a decently sized house, rundown, at first glance. The lair of the beast; who knows what's possibly gone on inside of those walls. Quite large for just one individual out here, but everyone has their personal tastes.

     "Sadistic piece of shit..." The insult came fresh off the Ice Pillar's tongue.

     "Oooo, that was cold... I like it, (y,n)~!" He knows her name already? Crap,' must've heard me when I called out to her earlier. The slayer next to me cursed under her breath at her name, irked. 'Dammit' the word slithered out in a hateful breath, loud enough for me to catch it. From her change in expression alone, our young enemy laughed through his amusement.

     "I would adore to have your name in my newest catalog, especially for... such a beautiful and interesting meal..." The teen dragged his tongue across his lower lip, dramatically bending his arm around to place a hand up to his chin. Acts accordingly to your average adolescent in cities like  Nichibotsu; flirtatious and outspoken... way beyond reason.

     "Just look at that body! Hm... what would you say is the most muscular part of you? Those sections are always the best to chew on." That got a tiny reaction out of me- a toss of my smile and a more bothered quirk to my eyebrows.

     I can't put a pin on it, but that comment makes me feel... off. It wasn't the cannibalistic part that set me off, that's run-of-the-mill stuff I hear during my job all the time. It's the provocative attitude laced through his voice, the type of tone where it makes you think; if he didn't want to eat (y,n), he sounds like he'd want to flirt more with her. Now that is what's really making the small flame of anger within me grow.

     Tsurito noticed my sudden mood and guffawed, clutching his stomach while he teetered back on his heels. "Looks like someone's jealous!!" He pointed his finger at me with another snicker, mouth curling upwards.

     "Sorry, but I don't believe I understand what you're talking about!" My casual, joyous look was quick to come back into the light while I responded- here I go... being the dense person that I am, too dense for even myself to understand what's going on inside of me.

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