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Hey guyyyyys

*que booing*

I know, I know, y'all are probably fed up of me, and rightfully so. It has been very... very long (falling off the grid is not joke). 

Your fellow author is back for a time! *crickets* And I'm not sure when I will fall off again! >:D

I deeply apologize for the unannounced months-long hiatus that Coldhearted went on, life got pretty dang tough, and I had to choose between getting all these spices together or becoming even more unhinged!

For those who were actively trying to keep in touch and check in with me, I thank you so much for the support! I promise you, I am better now~

I'm not exactly sure if publishes will be returning to their frequent schedule, but in the meantime, just know I am NOT abandoning our fellows babies!

... I don't do that, we all don't like unfinished stories! :}

If you guys have any question, comments, or concerns, plllllease don't hesitate to chirp in. I'm sure some of you will have some questions, and that is completely understandable.

THE PLAY MUST GO ON, and I'll see you,

Cold hearted (KyojuroxReader)Where stories live. Discover now