Chapter 27:Dying Flame

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~*(y,n)'s POV*~
     "Window's Realm-!!!"

     "1st form, freezing winds!" Before the man's duplicated arms could grab me from their hiding places, I created a small sphere with my ice to save myself. The claws of Gen's hands slammed into the barrier, not breaking through the thick protection that I had the wit of forming.

     God, the type of rush I got from the reminder of my motivation... it's surreal! It always manages to lift me away from the murkiness swimming inside of my head, give me the free of every breath I take in battle.

     I broke down the globe I manifested and bit at the hands, voiding them away as they reared back in shock until the portals doming me in disappeared. I looked back at the furious demon calmly, almost to taunt him with my perseverance. "So, that's how it's gonna be?" He snarled from his position when the business end of my Katana pointed to him next, my sights locked and ready. Target Acquired.

     I gave Kyojuro a nod before dashing towards our enemy, windows opening up at random in the hopes of catching me in their trap. I avoided all of them and reached the demon on the other side of the gap. A shockwave of force ripped across the ground when I clashed with him, the cold airs of my inertia creating a thin layer of ice across the arm he used to block me. It didn't seem like he was expecting me to be renewed of my strength, his surprise was evident as he had to reinforce himself harder the closer I broke past his defense.

     I jumped back for a moment and shifted a gear in my approach, changing up my immediate intentions when I caught a corner of the colors from my comrade's cape. "Second form, Rising Scorching Sun!" The blonde man got the front half of the demon's face in the path of his blade as soon as he came up to our left, then making a diagonal line that almost managed to reach the front of his neck. Our foe dipped down under his sword, went back up when mine came, and when we both swung together-

     "Quick fire!!" Our opponent tumbled back into a sudden hole before either of us could make serious contact, and the bastard even gave a little wave as it closed up. Almost sensing it, we both jumped out of the way when a window gaped apart where our feet were, his hand clawing, then going back in. More of the openings went in and out of reality around us, forcing us to separate. He's toying with us, he's gonna keep up with this unless we find where his actual state of being is...

     I'm gonna die if I do this, I might actually die. There's no better time than the present, though.

     Just when I caught another one of the portals close to me, as soon as I stabbed the demon's hand away from coming out again, I jumped through myself. Gravity warped, my perception, everything, stopping when my feet met with solid ground. Gravity felt... weird (I'll have to get used to that quickly, I feel so lightheaded), but I'm not dead! I thought I'd be split in two!

     I peered around at the new area I've been transported to, no Gen in sight. I can only assume he already caught me coming to get him, I can bet he's on the prowl now that I've been separated from Kyojuro. ...

     I reacted right on the millisecond when the demon came attacking at me again from another sudden window, jumping back in through the way he came from when he couldn't manage to get through to a weak point. Rapid attacks from anywhere, and arms mirrored and duplicated in the fractured realities of his windows!

     Four strikes- the jumps in and out of my range sped up the more agitated his face got in between each interval, the frustration strengthening with the weight behind the attempts. "Oh, so you think you've found a loophole, huh? Can't you just give in already, dammit!"

     "No, we can't, and we won't." I responded to my opponent's brash tone through the block, the winds of my freezing movements going to chill the battlegrounds. He gave a face of anger when hearing my comment, growing more disgruntled as Kyojuro's voice rose above the chaos.

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