Chapter 14:Fox mask

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~*(y,n)'s POV*~
Another day... another round of 'playing dress up'. Being a demon slayer, you spend your days shrouded in the night, dancing in the dangers of a world that so many are blissfully ignorant to. It feels like a fantasy for some, fighting evil for the better good of Japan, but eventually, for others- for me- we have to take off the hood of midnight, step into the reality we leave behind when we draw our swords.

I looked upon my sun-blessed walls as I slipped on my work clothes, the many paintings I have hung around my room given life to their colors and sceneries. ... They all bear the same signature, the date of completion scribbled right underneath in tiny handwriting.

You may think I'm off to another mission, work clothes, I know... quite frankly, I wish it was so.

When I'maway from my life as a Slayer, I go to my second job- yes, my second job. True, I do gain more than enough money as a Hashira to support myself and then some (seeing as I live on my own in a relatively humble home), but there are more important investments I need to cover that require another line of work. I could make the pain a game of make-believe if I enjoyed it that much, the prompt; A normal, functioning citizen.

It's laughable to think about how difficult that actually is.

After sliding into my sandals and stringing my leather pack over my shoulder, I turned to the Kitsune mask hanging from a perch over my sword's mount. I lifted up the lightly adorned objcet by its ties, looking at the (f,c) painted accessory before I shielded my face into the curve of its shape.

A gift my father made for me, some time ago. He thought it'd be nice to have it when the colors get 'too loud'- his words entirely. I silently thank him every day for the present, seeing how it keeps me out of trouble during my shift. I try my best not to draw any attention towards me with my feminine attributes, the stigma around women is still high, in tye area.

I took my sluggish walk to the front door, making that first step outside and giving a warm welcome to the summer breeze. I sighed- a fitting way to greet the day waiting for me down this dirt path. It's going to be a real stretch today, I just know it.


"Alright, (l,n), just move those crates over there for now, I'll help unpack the goods in a bit!"

"Are you sure you don't want help unstocking the box you brought in earlier? You know your bad knee is going to make it difficult to reach the top shelves." I gandered over my shoulder at the owner of the shop as I accepted the two heavy boxes from his arms, more of taking them before he manages to put his back out. The man gave a wheezy thanks after crumpling back onto the wall behind him- as fragile as all get out with his aged body.

Mr.Nataduma, a villager here who runs a kimono-making parlor with his wife. I've known the kind couple for two years now. A rather thimble man, really, he hired me when I was still 18 to help him around the shop, since he doesn't have the muscle power to do it himself anymore. Nonchalant, and... maybe a tad bit hard headed when it comes to taking care of himself, having to give up a day of my time to assist him isn't all too bad. The pay's pretty good, too, with how successful the two of them have been in the business.

"Nah, it's alright, kiddo! Being honest, I think my knee is getting better!" Twirling around, the black-haired villager shot me a toothy grin while I set down the weighted crates with ease.

"-(l,n), don't let him strain himself! You know how stubborn he can be when it comes to that knee!!" The muffled yell of my employer's lover rang from the second floor of the building just a moment after him saying that. He went red with his embarrassment once hearing the laughter after her stern comment. She's always chiming in when she hears things like that, knowing that he's one to push himself if not supervised.

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