Chapter 44:Akaza

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~*Kyojuro's POV*~
     "Sir... I don't quite understand what you're entailing... are you positive that you're in the right mind?" My adamant face couldn't be more confusing to the short Kakushi on the other side of the counter- I'm sure she was having a normal day before I barged in here with my catastrophic situation tied 'round my ankles; a jumbled, confusing mess. It's trailed all the way from the front door to here- - word of the newest scandal among the Hashira, and for the Flame Pillar? I know the news has barely gone public, but it still feels like the walls have got eyes in them, watching, judging.

     I'm still set on being here in these tangled ropes, no matter how suffocating.

     "I'm turning myself in, ma'am!" I said happily from under my bandages- if it wasn't already perplexing enough for me to openly be exposing my crimes, then imagine the craziness of me smiling in conjunction. It's only there to hide my own demons, just how grim the situation is.

     "A-and... What might the offense be, sir?" The helper asked me nervously. I would've told Master Ubuyashiki about this directly... if I wasn't such a coward. Explaining to him that I killed one of our own Slayers is just too much to stomach. What a way to ail that sickly man, his heart would be broken.

     "I killed-... I believe I may've killed ond of our Slayers. I do not know if th true, but it is also very likely." I corrected my words and dropped my smirk at the woman's shocked eyes. ... She cleared her throat from underneath her mask, but that didn't conceal the newborn tremble to her voice.

     "Mr.Rengoku, are you sure you want to do this? You'll be h-held in captivity for the offenses until Sector 2 can get this up to Ubuyashiki for a proper trial..."

     "Yes. If it's necessary, I can provide whatever details required to figure out who this warrior was." I said sincerely as I toyed with my fingers behind me. For once... they don't shake. I wouldn't be able to tell you if it's the shock or bravery calming my nerves for once, keep this form of mine still; I simply couldn't.

     I don't care what it means to admit this all, it doesn't even bother me who it was; I could never live in my own skin the same way if I hid the guilty blood on my hands. It's stained my skin, glowing through the nights that have persisted. I tend to let things boil for a few days, come to a reasonable brine, but this... it's been bubbling over the pot ever since. The contents have already spilled out... the last agonizing sounds of his pain, the failed search team, the body that may very well still be somewhere in that gorge-

     "No need to do that, ma'am! My friend here... he's a little fuzzy up in the thinker! You know how head injuries are..." I stiffened up at that voice while it lurked over me-... a voice I swear I killed just several days ago. It fell over the cliff with him... is it haunting me, now? Has my quilt finally embodied itself into true nightmares? The corpse that was never found, standing right beside me.

      My eyes wavered to the hand on my shoulder while that same voice laughed behind me, belonging to a face I can't get myself to look at. The hood is still there, hiding whatss been haunting me for so long.

     The Kakushi before me looked to my right as she rubbed her head, equally surprised. A dead man has taken these hallways, on a morning that just can't get a break from the insanity... "You're the one who-"

     "Mhm! I'm the one! My buddy and I got into an itty bitty argument yesterday that turned into something of a tousle, silly stuff..." The hand on me patted briskly, as if it's done this a million times before.

     "I took a tumble down the cliff we were by, and the guy couldn't hear me saying I was alright! Just a small accident! Right, Kyo'?" Even with all my restraints, I managed to drift my eyes to this damned man, seeing that evil smile past his haori hood. Acid bubbles at the back of my throat while urging my gaze back to the assistant, dropping my hands from the counter and taking a breath to myself.

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