Chapter 20:Embers

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~*Kyojuro's POV*~
     Our steps cascade in an echo across these dim corridors, quiet, but the walkways make it seem like our strides are being weighed.  Anticipation for more action waits stiffly in the air with the progress we've made thus far, its little fingers wrapped tightly around our hands as it walks beside us.

     There's a chance for another ambush. Just because we got past earlier's obstacle doesn't mean we're in the clear. As of yet, we haven't come across any more problems since we left. We're lucky that the last indicent was triggered by us, because it could've very well happened the minute we first touched down. A horrible dilemma, especially when (y,n) and I were both good clean knocked out.

     I brushed my tousled hair back behind my ear while peering at my comrade. She's doing better now, more promising than the state I found her in. Even when roughed and possibly concussed, she still seems to beat all odds keeping her from wearing that cool-toned expression. If she wasn't as dirtied, she'd have the perfect, well-put presentation as usual.

     I huffed out a laugh through my nose and glanced up at the ceiling- rock, deep, solid rock, as if we're in an actual cave. "I wonder where we were transported to get here..." I mumbled in a breath, taking my time to get a sense of the hallway. The air is getting warmer, Iassume we'rereaching a new elevation. If we keep following, we may even find our way out- - the warm, summer atmosphere is the only thing we have to go off of in here.

     "I'm not very sure, but... by the material of the ceilings..." The Hashira glanced up at the hanging rocks, contemplative and quiet. She stopped to focus more on the stone, just now giving it a good investigation, by the looks of it.

     "-We're still on the mountain we were initially sent to for this mission. Not on the surface, but I have reason to believe we're... inside of it. The type of rock hasn't changed since we were transported, so we have to be somewhere at least near our original location." That makes sense... a lot of sense. We're inside a mountain, this hotel would've been a breeze to spot if it was just out in the open!!

     "You really think we're inside a mountain? I wonder how they were able to build all this inside of the place..." I jumped up to tug off a chunk of the stone ceiling, examining it as I landed back onto my feet. This entire building, built on the inside of a mountain... normal people could never possibly dream of accomplishing something like this in their lifetime, not the type of work that it must've took to make this place what it is.

     The portal made me believe we might've been taken to a whole new island, if we were that unlucky. It seems we were right on the entrance, however, opened right underneath us.

     "It's likely. However, for the time being, we need to worry about getting out of here. We can speculate all we want about where we are all we want, but that'll get us nowhere if we don't invest our energy somewhere useful." (Y,n) exhaled with a tug of her collar, flicking away the hair that's managed to come loose from the bandages I previously secured across her headd.

     "Good idea..." I chuckled,

     "It would be great if we figured out how the Demon Blood Art that sent us here works..." I pondered while I turned back to the path we're taking,

     "Is not worth much when we don't have much to go off of, we were near sense-blind when the second demon ambushed us." I sighed. We would've been set if we had just a few more seconds, I could already feel my hand yelling me where to take my katana. I could've killed that first demon... and now he's gone.

     ... I want that kill.

     "Did you see anything that might be worth noting before the portal opened up?" The Ice Pillar asked me.

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