Chapter 42:Metal strings

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~*(Kyojuro's POV*~
     I ignored the pain in my head as I stand up from the gates to this district, breath calm, body; already bleeding when this battle is still so young. Rain pours down on me at my stance, a stance I thought I wouldn't be able to take after that last hit. 

     The strongest typhoon to ever hit Japan put into the palms and of another to turn towns upside down. No house to take shelter in, just you against the rage of the sky's and oceans. That's where we stand, the creatures of the world versus the forces of nature... 

     Nature's deathly wish is strung through those metal strings, all to the horrors of a child's mind. Her dainty white fingers play a simple tune to carry along the breeze and razor-sharp mist among the screams of storms in the town. Sanemi's only just the second loudest out of everyone, directing the last of the town's people back into their homes and wherever it's safest.

     I could've prevented all this damage if it weren't for the altercation from earlier. This girl... all she's caused her, I might've stopped it. Or, crushed to death with no one to know my fate. (y,n)'s already done enough to be sure no one else falls prey to the false angels, the remainders of her frozen barriers already show that enough. Her battle call though... up on that roof, it was strong, knowing. Assurance that she doesn't plan to lighten the load on herself any time soon, or to have another light snuffed out. 

     "You slayers..." The pale demon mumbled from where she sits in the arms of her multiple servants, hands floating across the many strings to the strange harp in her arms. She glares at the Ice Pillar the most, irked by the woman's persistence.

     "Could you be any more ignorant than you already have been? Is it possible to be stupider?" She asked the three of us slayers as the remainder of the citizens were finally ushered away by the Shinazugawa brother.

     Slowly, did the murky forms lower her down to the ground and let her feet touch upon the wreckage. She sent them away into nothing but a puff with a wave of her hand on the instrument, her eyes going to stare at me especially while my sword flipped through my grip. None of us make it a point to attack, not when we went far to the left with our last spur. Don't damage that harp, or she make your suffering worthwhile. Wish I would've known that when it came to the wood, that's obviously not something she can regenerate. The strings and the carvings in it, however...

      Those are the blood arts we're dealing with here, her 'cloud callings'. I think we'd be on to something if we get rid of those, at least.

     "Maybe your not as stupid as I thought..." Our foe mumbled to herself. We're fighting against more than one opponent, not all of them are able to be anticipated in time either. For once, it's up to our opponent to take the first move.

     "Not even you, ice lady?" She whined in a high-pitched voice from where she stands on the top of one of the city buildings, free hand on the part of the wound scaling across her abdomen and chest, cleavage slightly showing. That last blast broke through the ice she usually has on her body, if it wasn't there at all, she would've been done for. It's a relief on my heart to see she's ok, made it out from the smoke of the blast when I thought she'd forever disappeared into the alleyway, but I wish I would've known sooner that cutting those strings would be so deadly. Known at all, at least so I could've saved her from what she failed to stop.

     With a glance to the same string that my comrade severed, Zumi sighed and-... exposed her back to us? Started to walk away from us? Is this supposed to be some sort of battle tactic? "I give up... the fights are boring when I'm forced to make the first move!" She yelled, stomping out her steps as she went down the empty and damaged streets where fog lays off at the edge. She's not being serious, it's obvious this is some sort of game. We're playing against a child at heart, we can't let our adult minds get the better of us with blind rationalities.

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