Chapter 38:Lemon Balm

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~*Kyojuro's POV*~
I stroked through the blonde locks similar to mine with my eyes on the screen to the guest room, my head against the wall. Little droplets ending their journey divebomb across the thick but transparent layer of the shoji material, millions of other relatives taking their last stand against the barrier- to of no use, the efforts will never let them break through. They pitter-patter into a messy, musical composition, improvising on each note by the direction of the wind.

The song of a storm,' puts many people to sleep through the midnight hours, it sent Senjuro to bed from where he lays on my lap, but not me. It might be the shock of yesterday's events still running through my body that's the case. Most likely, actually. Why would I go to sleep when it's still first thing in the morning, when my thoughts accompany us two Regnokus?

A better place to go on here is still on the table to be decided for my brother and I... and the situation with my father. Things just keep coming up for me, don't they? I just managed to conclude the altercations between (y,n) and I but a few weeks ago... I can't get a break. This is worse than what I was faced with before, so much worse. It's not just me and one other person this time, it's Senjuro as well, one of the most important people in my life. He was harmed by my father, and I don't know whether to raise my sword, or take up my shield and protect us both during this. I still question if I should go to the first to make things up-

-No. No, I won't be the first. Neither me or my brother owe him an apology, he should be mature enough to understand the weight of his actions.

I ruffled a hand through my own hair while giving farewell to the barrier separating us brothers from the rain, my stomach shifting out a churn. I haven't eaten all night, and the canyon of my hunger will only continue to weather down more. I want to satiate the gaping emptiness, but I simply won't allow it.

Eating brings me comfort, though I can't have myself to indulge in that quite yet. It already feels like too much to ask of the Ice Pillar since she already spared this room to us, I'll just get something to eat in the morning. I wouldn't want to raid her kitchen in the middle of the night, especially when she has to be fast asleep at this time!

... She's not asleep, our host is fully awake, those footsteps going past the room tell me that much. The scent of Lemon Balm... it travels through the air among its clouds of tainted honey, a lull of the senses that can't be any more soothing than it already is. I assume a crooning scent like that has to be sending its song out from some pot or cup, the bellows rippling at any movements as the aroma continues down the hallway further.

I'm not the only one still up at this hour... Solace left to the side for another time, apparently.

Sparing one more glance to the boy in my lap, I gently squeezed out from the spot and laid his head down on the floor. Senjuro stirred for a moment at my disturbance and groggily pried his eyes open, glancing up at me after rubbing them. "Brother...?" He slurred, "Is there... something the matter?"

"Just going out for a little stroll in the house. You can go back to sleep." I whispered to him and relieved his face of the blanket of his bangs, leaving him with a smile as he closed his eyes again.

"Will you be back?"

"Of course, it won't be long."

"Ok... have fun..." He rolled over to his other side, an airy wave to send me off. He's still so tired after hours ago, too exhausted to try making it to his futon now that I've moved away. ... I wish I could just take all the fatigue away and mount in on my own shoulders, free him of the weight.

Going through the entrance and to the direction that (y,n)'s figure faded off to, I walked down the dark path in the stormy night. The lightning flashing through the shoji doors painted light on my curious expression the further I go into the Ice Pillar's home, the candlelight with my comrade taking a turn to the left at the very end. When making that same turn, there, that very light now sits behind one of the partitions. A new door I haven't been through in her home yet...

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