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Nyx's POV
Chapter 34

"That certainly did not take long..."

Now back in the present I feel as though my mind has been split into two, for an odd reason a big part of me is stuck and unresponsive in both those atmosphere I was in. I can still see that young gentleman with blood all over his face looking at me. Through me. His gaze was very piercing it seemed like he saw me for a faint moment and I think he did... As I'm still seated on the chair at the centre of the room I begin to breathe painfully heavy, the earth pounding in my ears so loudly it felt as if the ground will part into two or there is some ritual being performed underground. I am still processing the feels within my body until a burning sensation settles along my back area forcing me to fall to the ground on my knees with wide eyes. I'm heaving with one hand clutched on my chest trying to shun the pain if possible. Im calling for a shift yet none of my animals respond, amid the frenzy I'm wondering if maybe I have been stripped of my wolf or both of them. "No." Comes past my lips in a low murmur. "Nyx?" Aunt Tilia calls and I look up to her to see her face looking expressionless yet her energy was all over the place slamming me in strong waves.

"My body feels as if stabbed by hundreds of knives." I say all in one breath holding back a yowl.

"It will be all right." She tries to reassure me while placing back some leaves in jars, her gaze never settling on me again for quite some tim. When she said it'll hurt this was beyond imagination, as she tries to avert her gaze from me I understand why and perhaps the same reason is playing in her head. I wouldn't have listened even if she had told me it would hurt terribly. This was more of a conquest than me getting back at my ancestors for cursing me. "For some the pain is just evidence of time traveling, the psyche must have started feigning for the energy y- this is probably not the right time to ask but what did you see?" Tilia's words are followed by a cold silence on my side, I am exasperated and feeling hopeless about everything, somehow the feeling of this being meaningless taunts me and she is asking me such question. Of all questions.

Goddess, it hurts so much. "I can't take any more of this. I can't." I mutter repeatedly. I begin chanting a song my father would sing to me after each training when I was younger. Now drenched in my own sweat and tears I have wrapped myself into a ball like a child recovering from a nightmare. And right now I'm not sure I'm not living one. I could hear a voice speaking yet couldn't make out the exact words uttered.

Momentarily I felt the cold and hard surface now replaced with a soft one. My aunt is by my side, placing her palm on my forehead it causes me to shriek. The pain has made itself home I have began to embrace it as a task I have to live through. "Am I about to die auntie? I don't want to join the gods before I see him." I try sitting up however I did not even manage to sit up on the bed without feeling everything at once. "You need patience." She says so calmly.

"I don't have patience! I have responsibilities. I'm an alpha! Goddess!" Whatever I did wrong I whisper in my head. "I must go home. Don't you see?"

"I will lift the curse from you and store it elsewhere, but you must comeback for it before the span of a year, do yer hear me?" So I nodded. I watched her moving about and doing magic chants, soon enough I'm feeling light as a feather. My body free of burdens.

Moments after I've regained my vision and proper coherence she says, "I'm assuming you found what you were looking for..." I nod, trying to breathe properly. And just like that, in a blink of an eye we are both transported back to the room we were previously in. My butt came to meet the floor resulting in a loud thud. "Gods! You couldn't relocate me to the bed at least?" I complain feeling a stinging on my arse. "The spell usually last longer than it did with you. Much longer." She starts pacing, reading bottle labels and shaking her head as if in a dilemma. Her footsteps are now hurried and while she speaks she is rummaging for something all the while I'm seated there in my leisure blanketed by my thoughts. Now that I have his name I can do so much more. I have so much power over him, the rush of that knowledge has me grinning. The things I can do to him. Goddess. "You must know that rejection is painful, especially to the one that rejects the other... See I, I don't want to meddle. You have your own reasons for your actions,"

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