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Chapter 24
Nyx's POV

As we walk to the main house we pass through multiple houses, normal built houses that make me question our whereabouts. There are no kids in sight, everyone looks different, talks differently and smells different too. It's a land of vast creatures, that being my conclusion after we encountered a girl with a tail and horns who waved at Draya and she didn't display a look of fear or discomfort.

I don't ask of what I see. It's no man's land Luna's sake, anything is possible. I remind myself.

The sun is setting, leaving beautiful colours blending together, it's grey, orange and blue blanketed by purple. The view is enthralling, I've always loved to see the sun set and so far I have never seen anything like this. I don't know how it's possible to have daylight here, I don't know how it's possible for the sun to set if we're in no man's land. A few hours ago, or what feels like hours ago the sky was dark. No shred of light.

After what I feel might be thirty minutes of walking I start complaining inside my head. First, my back is killing me, I suppose I haven't healed completely and second, I'm starving. Plus I've never walked this long before, I am a werewolf so it's easier for me to shift but once again I resist the urge to shift into anything. Wouldn't want to scare these people to death.

Hence, I keep my complaints to myself and trek with Draya, hoping we're not very far.

"How far are we?" No, my feet are aching!

"Not far." Blunt.

"Point me to the direction of the main house and I will shift." I will not shift.

"We're not far, a couple of minutes and we're there." Feeling her taunting tone inside of me I halt my footsteps, something that a child does after not given what they want. Sighing in defeat she directs her gaze to a house hidden beyond tall pine and other trees I'm not educated enough to know. It's not far.

I follow. Quietly.

Finally reaching the house, we enter after a thorough check from the guards who held disapproving glares to Draya, when they meet my gaze they merely raise a brow but utter nothing. Once again we take a short walk to get to the house, passing through a magnificent artificial garden. "Sooo, I'm not the most liked around here..." Hearing that makes me look at her questioningly, partly bemused too. In my judgment she doesn't look like trouble, she's young but that's just how teenagers are nowadays. "Long story." She dismisses my look. "I don't know who you are but you're associated with the prince so you must be some important person or whatever, you must be. Hopefully... Considering that the prince is well known around here ho-"

"Get to the point."

"I don't know about your relationship with him but, stay away. He's off limits..." Intriguing... "He's spoken for, the leader's daughter has threatened a number of women around here. I'm sure she's with him as we speak, bitch!" She whispers the last word but I hear venomous tone. Suddenly piqued by this woman, the leader's daughter I become eager to go see them. A part of me knowing we're going to be entertained by this mentioned female infatuated with my mate. Something dominant inside of me snaps, the heaviness I felt earlier completely weighed nothing as I ponder on the mischievous schemes in my head, I smile. "Thank you, Draya. May we?" She smiles up at me, with awe gleaming in her beautiful eyes and my eyes do a colour shift which I can feel. "Ooooh." She shudders as if basking in the sound of her lover's voice.

She opens the door which leads to the kitchen and at the sight of her everyone in sight pause to look at us, mostly me. Draya walks over to one woman and hugs her, planting a kiss in the process then take an apple. "Draya!" The woman scolds. "Sorry mama."

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