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His POV.

"Put me down!" She said for the nth time while I carried her bridal style. I don't expect less from the alpha female however her movements are slowing me down. While she's kicking  air, prying her legs open her arousal slaps me harder making my focus wane. It takes everything in me not to take her here. "You, pathetic vampire!"

"No need for name calling love."

"Put me down this instant!" She yelled at the top of her lungs thrashing in my arms. A slight part of me wants to  put her to oblivion just for a little bit of silence till we get to our destination but I numb that side.

"Fuck!" I immediately halt when her sharp canines enter my right shoulder cutting through my flesh. She must've thought I'll drop her down so she sprints again. Glancing down at her I was just in time to see her lick her upper which was coated with my blood. The black mist in her eyes slowly started getting consumed by a flaming red while her eyes remained wide like saucers. Bewildered at the sudden change I fell down on my knees and laid her down on the bed of leaves around us. Each time my skin touched hers she'd shudder, everything looks fine except for her her unmoving eyes and erratic beat of heart. If given the opportunity I think it would escape her chest.

My eyes never strayed from her body while she laid still. I watched as the blackness in her eyes got swallowed by the darkest shade of red not even a blood moon can surpass. She glanced everywhere and once her eyes landed on mine she paused. They were red like my own.


The astonished look she wore went deep into my soul compelling me to look in awe and storming my mind with questions. Her iris moved in different directions yoid think she was seeing things. I doubt all that happened out of the blue. Much to my dismay she blinked repeatedly to get rid of the red in her eyes and the black returned. I'm looking down at her in shock while she recovers from whatever occurred in the depths of her mind. Her eyes are still wide and her lips are still open but I shockingly cannot read her emotions. It's difficult to when her gaze is frozen like that. "Ath-who's Athena?" Her voice comes out lower than before while her body rests frozen. I lift her up in my arms and thankfully this time she does not protest. She starts to cough out bits of blood and I put her on her feet. Bringing her to her feet she looks down and gets rid of it out her system.

She has sobered up, that much is clear.

"What do you want from me?" Voice hoarse and bleak she says to me. "To come with me,"

"Like hell I would!" One thing I utterly hate from these werewolves is that they're too proud. They wear their pride like jewellery as if it's beautifully decorating them. "You want to go back to your incubus?" Snapping her head my way her lips curved in a smile which excited every bone in my body. She looks dangerously beautiful and it's captivating. Just what kind of sorcery is this? "Yes, I want to go back to him."

"Little Alpha, this is no game." I speed till I'm face to face with her, instead of showing me fear like I thought she would she smiles. "Is that so? Tell me your name then." Uneasiness settled inside me hardening my face even more. It's obvious she doesn't want any of this but she will be tamed. "Even ancient books will tell you I don't have one." She growls lowly before looking at the moon she worships. "I'll take my leave then." I see her bracing herself to run but I grab her hand pulling her back to my body and she looks awestruck for a second. "You will listen to me!"

"Do you want to fight me right this moment because I will!?" She yanks her hand out of mine making my frown gets hard. If I was told it'd be this difficult I think I would've reconsidered. "Shut up and come with me!" With a growl that's strong enough to make birds leave their resting nests she started shaking signaling a shift. Even in her wolf form I'm sure I'd catch her but I'm in no mood for games. "If my werewolf studies are correct once you leave this human form your animal with be dominant... And you know exactly who I am to you, mate."

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