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Chapter 25
Nyx's POV

"The King and Queen of Asia." Words that piqued my curiosity to its zenith, creating an odd feeling of wanting to see who's going to walk through the wooden doors. Slowly but surely the big doors opened allowing two people to stride in. Kai, wearing a navy blue suit with jewelry decorating him. On his head laid his crown, glimmering as it announced his royal status. He walks inside the room, mighty and tall and there, on his right hand side I'm with him.

My heart skips a beat at such sight. We look so majestic yet, I feel no sense of belonging.

I notice that between us is a boy not older than ten, looking so much like Kai with his soft looking hair and thin lips. I assume that's his son.

This is our son.

At that epiphany a smile crawls on my face and as if on cue he looks up at me then smiles. The small notion evokes a big smile of my own, the feel goading Kai to look at me and once he notices who's making me brighten up he shakes his head humorously.

Despite this sudden outburst of joy I'm instilled by dread the moment we take our seats.

Once we have taken our seats Kai's hand immediately squeezes mine in a sort of reassurance which surprisingly I accept the comfort it brings, letting it rest on my thigh.

As my eyes rake the room I notice that there are other six royal families, from the King of Africa to the Americans with one of their children, the South Americans with two girls.

I feel as though I am watching a movie by myself, I have no control of these occurring scenes. That's what a dream is, I suppose. Yes, that's how dreams are like in this part of the world.

While we are seated I realize that they have now announced the coming of another family. I'm not sure which one. Albeit, I have no clue of what is going on here so I fix my eyes on the door. Feeling the need to do so too overwhelming to be ignored. Soon enough four vampire royal families enter one by one, as realization dawned in on me I shift uncomfortably in my seat. The act not ignored by Kai.

I wait for something, for someone...

At the mention of the King and Queen of America my curiosity stands to its highest point. The doors open revealing a male with a heavy pregnant female and a young girl, both looking stoic as they waltz inside.

I feel many gazes on my me but I ignore them looking forward with no emotion written on my face while there are numerous of them running through my mind. All of them unwanted so I block Kai from accessing what's in my head.

My goddess given mate is with someone else, despite not feeling any bond between us there's a feeling of attachment which holds me back from accepting the circumstances I'm finding myself in.

Looking at the child on my right I find him looking at me and I smile, his eyes flash gold In ecstasy  which makes me believe that he's born with my beast.

My beast... My children will inherit my curse.

Panic rises within me at the fact! And the dream is cut short as I think back to my childhood when I struggled to balance my beast...

"No... No!" I mutter as my body shakes due to the dread seeping in on me.

I wake up with a short cry... Relieved to be looking at a dark scenery in front of me. My heart is palpitating fast, disbelief blankets me as I lie on the bed. A concerned frown etches its way on my face, separating my animalistic urges and human ones. It's a battle I fear I won't come out of victorious.

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