Chapter 27:

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I stood there in shock not wanting to believe it.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I lost communication with Derek. I mean I was seeing thought his eyes and what was going on then it went dark and I was knocked out of his kind. I can't get back in. I have no idea what's happening."

"No no no." I started to cry.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Anna said.

"I need to find him."

"You cant just yet. It's not over" Logan shouted.

"I don't care. I'm going to find him." I yelled back, tears drenching down my face. I loved Derek, God I loved him. I was going to find him.

I started walking barefoot towards the hospital room door when Anna stopped me.

"Just please wait with us. I told Luke to mind link me when it was over."

"Fine. I'll wait." I said laying on the hospital bed and closing my eyes.

Hours later I felt someone shaking me to wake up.

"Lilly, it's over. come on we have to get back I the house."

I jumped up and grabbed melody and walked out the the car with Anna and Logan.

As we were driving Logan looked back at him from the passenger seat. I was in the back holding melody.

"Luke said they would meet us at the house in two hours, they have to burn the vampire bodies and burry any dead pack members."

I nodded. "is Derek with them?"

"He didn't say, but I'll guess we will find out. also speaking of Derek he told me he had a surprise for you at the house in his office."

"What kind is surprise?" I asked but all Logan did was smile and turn to face the front.

Once we made it back to the house the three of us walked to Derek's office and opened the door, the smell of his cologne was comforting. in the middle is the room was a crib.

"Did he do this?" I asked in surprise.

"He bought it and built it himself. he's had this built for months."

Logan and Anna carried it into mine and Derek's bedroom. the crib was in my side of the bed.

I laid her in the crib and she continued sleeping.

"He also installed baby monitors around the house."

"He's the best." I said looked at my wedding ring.

"So what do we do now?" I asked.

"We wait." Anna said.

Suddenly someone knocked on the door. when I opened it I saw cara and Taylor.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, cars and Taylor are going to live with us for a while. they wanted to help with melody."

"Where is she?" Cara asked.


She ran upstairs and Taylor follow.

"I'm going to out out bags up." Taylor said carrying two luggage bags.

A couple hours later I was pacing and could stop.

"Everything's going to be fine." Anna and Logan said at the same time.

"I sure hope so."

Anna stood up and smiled.

"They're here!" She yelled and ran out the front door.

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