bruises and blame

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Quiet people have the loudest thoughts

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Quiet people have the loudest thoughts.

"Just Bella. Please."

It took two phases and it already begun.

Charlie rather be working on Jack The Ripper case than be stuck in the tension ridden atmosphere.

"Girls, behave."

The way Bella rolled her eyes back it almost gave her a skull a massage from the inside.

"Now, Elly, you have your original room back and Bella, you are gonna help your sister with her stuff so she can settle in."

"But da-". Bella was ready to contest. No. No. No. anything better than helping Elle. Scooping horse shit in a barn was a better idea.

"No. Enough. You are sisters. Family. And this whole living in different parts of world flew in Renee's house but not under my roof.

No. While you are under my roof you will follow my rules. Girls please. I just want you to try and get to know each other again. Can you please do that for me?" Charlie took a much needed breath and looked at the two teenagers in front of him.

"Yes dad." Noelle placed her hand on her dads shoulder and immediately took it back, horrified at what she had done. Obviously she didn't show it but she got a small heart attack when she realized what she had done.

But it wasn't out of the ordinary. Noelle craved human interaction. She was always the extrovert of the Swan twins. Before the accident of course. Now she just hides it underneath. But at some point a volcano has to burst. Everything has a boiling point and Noelle's was long, long overdue.

"Yeah. Sure." Bella said meekly. Cowering her face behind some invisible shield she thought was in front of her. She didn't want anything to do with Noelle. But Charlie laid done the law and stapled it to the ground. It was going to a long high school experience.

"I can t-take your bags to your room Elle?" Bella asked her sister, head still down, hands picking at each other. The thought of Noelle almost instinctively gave anxiety.

Beep, Beep, Beep

Bella kept harmonizing with the beeping machine, waiting for her twin to wake up, waiting for her parents to stop fighting.

She didn't like the room she was in. The room was sad and dull. There was no colour anywhere. No pink, or violet colours anywhere. Just white and blue. Elle would hate it. It's so pale. She would complain for days about it.

How Bella wished to hear the complains right now. She would give anything just to hear her twin complain about menial things.

Then out of nowhere.

"Get out."

Bella was going to tear up at the memory. How she hated the beginning of the memory. It's like the happiest colours slowly fading to darkness and pain. 

"It's fine Isabella. I can carry them myself. Thank you for your offer." Elle snapped coldly at her sister. She almost looked like she wanted to pounce on Bella for offering to carry her bag.

Bella didn't say anything. She just turned on her heels and decided to run up the 13th steps and lock herself in her room for days. Why did this ice cold bitch always have to be there! Bella screamed internally.

But Bella being Bella she tripped and fell on the stairs giving herself a cut on her chin since she fell face flat.

Charlie hearing the thump ran to the source of the sound. Bella was on the staircase with a bruise forming on her chin, she was holding back tears and anger. His other daughter was in the same position he left her. She stared coldly at Bella without moving an inch. She had no expression on her face. It was as if she was frozen in her spot.

"Bella, what the hell happened?" Charlie yelled while running to his daughter on the stairs. He looked to his other monotonous daughter, "Noella, what happened, what happened to your sister?". If looks could kill, Charlie Swan's glare would probably send daggers to his eldest.

"I pushed her and she fell." Elle replied coldly, not giving a damn about the lie she just told.

Bella was flabbergasted. Elle was always a confusing, stubborn person but this was taking it up a few, thousand notches.

"Elle, what are you talking about? What do you mean you pushed! How could you push her on the stairs?!"

"I am going for a walk Charlie. I have a headache and being in the company of a person who can't walk up two flights of stairs without falling on her ass is in no way helping"

Noelle strutted to the door and slammed it on her way out. The angry voices of Charlie and dry sobs of Bella soon drowned out.

It was quiet again. The screaming in her head saw it's opportunity and took it. It upped its volume to a hundred.

She needed help and Noelle knew just where to go.

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