old westerners

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Talk less and say more-Unknown

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Talk less and say more





"Can you say something? Anything! You have been quite for so long."

"Well, it is a lot to take in Jas."

" I know it's a lot to take in. But Edward truly loves Bella. He would never hurt her."

"Let me get this straight. Edward took Bella to a vampire ball game, which then she piqued the interest of an obsessed hunter who then lured her to a ballet studio proceeded to toss her around like a rag doll and bite her. I believe that is correct up until that point?"

"Yes. Those were the events but-"

"Then Eddumb bites her back to suck out the venom, lies to Charlie that Bella got a concussion, severe blood loss and a broken leg because she tripped and fell down the stairs?"

"He couldn't tell the truth to Charlie darlin."

"Because Charlie would shove his barrel gun down his throat if he did."

"That and also if Charlie knew the Volturi would kill him."

"Oh and don't get me started on the vampire goth club!"

"Darlin, I know you are a bit angry about this but there is no point in name-calling."

"I am not angry. I am apoplectic with rage! How can you be okay with Edward's psychotic actions?"


"He quite literally borders on predatory behaviour!"

"Noelle. Look at me." Jasper moved closer to his soul sister grabbing her chin to look up into his eyes. The dark hues of her eyes bore into his golden ones. The contrast between their lives was extraordinary but the red string of fate that connected them was the one thing that these two lonely souls missed. They were each other's missing puzzle piece and they fit so perfectly well.

"Noelle, Edward's actions are questionable and damn it they could be wrong as well but you need to understand that Edward has walked alone for nearly hundred and twenty years. He has been destitute, lonely and isolated throughout it all. He had to bear witness to Carlisle, finding his mate, then Rosalie and even Alice, who didn't find her mate but her partner."

Jasper paused before continuing, "his actions are morally wrong but they come from a forsaken creature."

Holding on to her soul-brother's arms Noelle was conflicted. Even after Jasper's explanation it was hard for her to grasp how someone like her sister could complete reject everyone around her for another person. The concept of love was somewhat of mystery to Noelle. She couldn't understand how an abstract concept could be so powerful to elicit such a response.

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