let the children sing

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be the truth, the whole truth, nothing but the truth, so help me God

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be the truth,
the whole truth,
nothing but the truth,
so help me God.


Flushed out the students from Forks High, for the first day of school came and went with only a few minor incidents.

"Did you hear Mr. Kirk ended up in the hospital?"

"Oh my god! What!"

"Some weird cold he contracted or something."

"I heard that they said it was the storm or something."

"The storm was so out of blue. My dad watches the news literally. every. single. morning! There is no way they missed a storm that big!"

"I know Jessica! I am literally suing the school for making me come when it was literally a health hazard!"

The students had their fair share of what to talk about. From the storm to Mr. Kirk's sudden brush with death to the new girl that had yet another Cullen wrapped around her finger. The parking lot was a busy little bee with speculations and rumours.

"I heard the new girl is already sleeping with Jasper!"

"I saw them hanging out behind the school during one of the classes!"

"Oh my god! No way! He is literally in love with Alice. She is such a homewrecker."

As their nasty words filled their atmosphere Noelle stepped out of the double-doors of Forks High. The weather was as pleasant it could for a Fork's Monday afternoon. It carried a heavy animosity and it was not only because The Major left her alone but also because she was her again an object to be judged by the roaming eyes of the student body.

Noelle hated it.

As she walked down the steps, she felt the eyes poking and prodding into her body, her caged protection form the catastrophe that she could unveil on this small town. Suddenly Noelle could feel an arm linked around hers. She looked up to see the same pixie-cut that saved her from before.

"Hey sweetie!"

"Hii Alice."

"The Major sends his regards for not escorting back to our place. He requires an open space to hand over the reins to Jas."

"Ohh. Is he um is he gonna be okay Alice?"

"Oh sugar he is gonna be just fine. The change can take quite toll on the both so he needs the open space to decompress and safely switch."

"Ok....thank you for explaining Alice. You are like the most answers I have gotten today out of any of your siblings."

"All in due time Noelle. Now come on or I swear Rosalie will drive off without us."

"Okayy give me a minute I just have to let dumb and dumber know that I am leaving with you."

Alice suddenly stopped in her tracks.

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