wrath, pride, sloth

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Some rise by sins, some by virtue fall
- William Shakespeare

In the dark sat three; wrath, pride and sloth. They had hollow hearts that each filled with their own sin.

Pride used a tactic different from his brothers to shield himself from the absence of love

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Pride used a tactic different from his brothers to shield himself from the absence of love. He was determined and ruthless. He got what he wanted and what he didn't want he did not bother to get. He went after all of his ambitions, letting it feed and fester around him. He let it cloud his judgment. He allowed his pride to morph into his body and take control. If he could not take what he craved by force then he would grow his power. He would be the best, the greatest and most unstoppable there ever was. For he replaced his pain with prideful enthusiasm.

Sloth took the road less travelled

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Sloth took the road less travelled. He decided to feel his pain, to laze around his days and lament the passing time. He wished this scornful immortality on no one hath someone wished it upon him. He was downtrodden and bullied, bullied by his own lazy demons. His once hopeful self had withered into a shell of a man that only fed for sustenance. He let his immortal body lead their survival just for the sake of it for death was too much for work to bother with. Sloth did not replace his pain but he revelled in it.

 Sloth did not replace his pain but he revelled in it

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Wrath was on a path of rage and chaos. He embodied anger and was determined to be the general of war. To carry the damned to hell was his mission. He wanted not to feel the pain of his hollowness so replaced with the mind-numbing potion of fury.

In the dark sat three; wrath, pride and sloth. They had hollow hearts that each filled with their own sin.

As the sins sat together in their room, like all the other times, reading their books like all the other times, engorging themselves like all the other times, Sloth had an epiphany, but not like the other times.

"Brothers." Sloth said, with glistening eyes and exhilarated expression.

"Marcus? What seems to be the matter brother?" Asked Wrath.

"Their are close. They are near. They know."

"What!" Pride exclaimed. Has all these years of collecting meaningless artifacts come to an end?"

"I can feel them. The bonds, golden. They are reaching out. It's calling them."

"Find them, find them now. Immediately. Call the guards Aro!"

"Caius no." Exclaimed Sloth.

"Why not?"

"We must allow them their journey. They must find us on their own volition."

Enraged by his brother's sentiment Wrath raged, "what if that takes years? What if they get hurt! What then?"

"Trust me brother. Caius you must trust me. Aro you must trust me."

"Brother we have been with you for over three millennia we trust you. Don't we Caius?" Pride sickeningly asked Wrath.

"I...I suppose. But that does not mean I am happy about it." And with that statement Wrath left the room to take his anger out on another unsuspecting creature.

"Are you sure about this brother?"

"Yes. As much as my own heart craves to be around them we must allow them their own time Aro. We must be patient."

"As you wish brother. I just hope their presence sooner brings an end to our hollow world."

Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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We are getting so close.

Love you all.

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