three stooges + dog

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and when the world is on fire
you are still my favourite liar

The clock was ticking, hours, minutes, seconds passed by. Ilsa was sitting on her kitchen counter with a pile of letters. Most of them were condolence letters and others were legal matters to be taken care of; most importantly of Bella and her's guardianship.

Renee was out of the picture. She had packed up her suitcase and left. She did asked Bella one final time to leave with her to go back to Jacksonville but Bella had vehemently refused. Something has tied the Swan sisters to Forks and neither was ready to leave this small town on the outskirts of Seattle just yet.

As Ilsa went through piles of letter she came across a very interesting one buried under all of the official ones. It was another letter from Jasper. However, this was dated before Charlie's incident. Ilsa had sworn to herself that she would never open any of his letters but she wondered, did he warn her? did her ego get in the way of her possibly saving Charlie?

Her situation felt like Schrödinger's cat. On the one hand if she opened the letter and Jasper had expressively warned her of the future she would have never forgiven herself but on the other hand if Jasper had not given her an inkling of the dark future that laid infront of her she would never forgive him. She did not know which response she desired.

Holding the white letter with crisp, cursive writing Ilsa was at crossroad. She did not know where to go from there. To open or not open that was the question that festered within her mind. Ilsa gripped the sharp letter opener within her hand and amidst her thoughts and lost in her own subconscious a voice suddenly broke her concentration.


Ilsa finally registered the voice to the person in-front of her.


"Noelle! Are you okay? Is everything okay?"


"Yes! It's me! It's Alice! Can you tell me what in the hell is going on here! What happened to your hair!"


Ilsa looked at Alice, with a dead gaze. She had no emotions of love behind her cold eyes. All parts of her humanity and soul were buried alongside her human father who was ripped apart from her.

"It's Ilsa now isn't it?"

"Did you know?"


"Did you see?"


"Do not lie!" Ilsa shouted back at the Seer. She had no trust left in the future nor for the ones who tell it.

"I am not! Ilsa I swear to you! I haven't been able to see any of you since you fell into the ice and would you mind telling me what happened?"


"I saw you fall into the ice but everything since then has been static and blurry?"

"The pack saved me."

"The wolves?"

"Yes. The wolves Alice."

"I didn't see. I cannot see past those mutts."

"Don't call them that. They have been better friends than your precious siblings."

"I'm sorry." Alice replied.

There was an eerie moment of silence before Alice spoke again.

"I'm sorry."

"What are you sorry for now?"

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