judgment day

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do not judge
lest ye be judged

"Welcome back, dear ones." Aro said in a sickening sweet voice.

Beyond the doors entered Alice, Bella and Edward. The scene was bizarre to Ilsa, as she noticed Alice was holding Bella's hand, while Edward walked behind them.

One would think after going such an emotional turmoil Bella would latch on to Edward like a leech and never let him go. But, that was not the case. The two lovers were repelling each almost as if they were like-magnets.

"Ilsa?" Bella questioned. She was puzzled about the turn of events. How did Ilsa go from threatening the Kings, and Cains' scowl to sitting on his throne. She was shocked.

"It is Queen Ilsa, you blithering human." Jane growled back at the young Swan sister. Disrespect towards her masters and their mate was not going to be taken lightly by the High Guards.

Bella flinched at Jane's reaction. Even though she was deadly, Jane usually composed her stoic attitude. Jane was a neutral character. She never let her true emotions reveal themselves. However, this was one of the rare occurrence where Jane's cold facade melted to reveal the extent of her powerful capabilities.

"It is quite alright Jane. My sister does not yet know." Ilsa calmed down the child. Jane looked back towards Ilsa, offered a genuine smile and slightly bowed her head.

"Yes, my Queen."

"Spoken like a true majesty." Caius whispered in Ilsa's ear. Being vampire, Caius had no warmth to his touch, but something about his actions felt akin to a hot sensation on Ilsa's skin. The way his lips were so close to her own body, his fleeting touches on her arm as he spoke gave her startling feeling she could not explain.

"Quite true, mi amor." Aro stated, bursting Ilsa's imaginative bubble. She felt her and Caius must have taken an eternity but it was only a mere seconds.

"Ilsa is the Volturi Queen. Mated to the Kings." Aro stated assertively.

"You should be proud of having such a powerful relative, human. The honour of being in her presence should be the highlight of your miserable, mortal life." Caius not-so politely added.

"Mates? You...you are their soulmate?"

"You shall address the Queen properly!" Jain lashed out once again at Isabella's thimble-memory.


Jane's powers could not affect Bella. That was well established but they could affect the unsuspecting, Seer that protected her. Alice screamed in wretched pain as she fell to Jane's mercy. As a burning fire ran though her veins Alice screamed for solace and respite. Alice Cullen, formerly Mary Alice Brandon, was gifted. Even as a human child, she was gifted with the powerful sight. However, at the time Alice was deemed mental unstable and institutionalized. She was subjected to poor, psychiatric treatment that bordered on mental torture and abuse.

Having been years after her unfortunate human life Alice was immediately taken back to her painful childhood. Jane's pain manipulation was an extremely dark and brutal experience. She was able to combine all of the pain Alice had ever gone through into one single episode of ever-lasting horror.

"Enough." Marcus ended Jane's torturous assault on Alice. Marcus had noticed the visible discomfort her screams had on Ilsa. He did not particularly care about the Cullen girl but he did not wish to cause his mate any further distress.

"Yes master."

"Well, human? Did you learn the consequences of your actions?" Caius sarcastically asked Isabella.

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