small part of town

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I miss you in the mornings
when I see the sun
Something in the orange
tells me we're not done

On the other side of Forks, another Swan sister was having a life-realization of her own.

After Ilsa had stormed off, quite literally, Bella had gone over to Jake's to convince him to find her. But, she was only met with a stone-cold shoulder and curt responses.

"Go home Bella!"

"Jake please! She is gone and I don't know what to do!"

"She is fine. Now go home."

"Jake please."

"What! What do you want!"

"You don't understand. I caused her to go crazy and dangerous."

"The only danger out there is you and your blood-sucking boyfriend. Now, go home Bella." Jake shut the door after his last statement.

Bella was losing everyone on her side. Just a few months ago Bella had her immortal boyfriend, the Cullen's adoration and her father's priority by her side. She even had Jacob's love but now all that was left was a stale dreamcatcher that hung on top of her bed and a measly vampire bite on her hand.

Bella had lost everything desirable to her. She was all alone in this corner of the world. All alone with her destructive thoughts and ideas. In her anger and frustration Bella decided on a path to find the only people who ever cared for her. If love was going to leave her then Bella was determined to find it, drag it back to her basement and tie it up.

So, as Bella trekked through the woods, she met the friend of her enemy staring down at her vulnerable humanity. Laurent or Victoria's lackey was nipping away at his lust to taste the nectar of Isabella's blood. But he was intercepted by the wolves and their sharp canines. They ripped him apart and set his undead flesh on fire.

In her fright and terror Bella ran back to her home, her only remaining place of safety and comfort.

"They are not bears!"


"They are huge wolves! Dad I saw them! I saw them in the woods!"

Bella had sent Charlie, and Harry Clearwater down a fated path. In the woods lurked a monster of man and women. She was a driven foe, with nothing to lose and to gain. She was hateful in her quest for vengeance. She, as Victoria, was a women scorned and hell hath no fury like a women scorned!

Ring, ring, ring, ring

"Hey Billy....yeah, yeah everything is fine....listen Charlie is going out hunting for the wolves Bella saw....I'm going to go with him. Tell the pack to keep clear of the forest."

Harry Clearwater had stepped out to quickly deliver a message to Billy of Charlie's plan. As if hunting a vampire, who is gifted in speed was not hard enough they have to skirt the Chief of Police and his goons thanks to his idiot daughter, Harry thought to himself.

"Ready old man?" Charlie stepped out of the house in his gear and patted Harry's shoulder.

"You gotta stop hanging out with the kids. Always calling me old!"

The two friends laughed side by side as they walked to Charlie's cruiser. A shared moment between the two because who could have known that only one would be returning home in that cruiser and the other would meet a tragic end.

Reaching the entry point of the wolves last sighting Charlie and Harry set up divisional strategies for each team and set off. The plan was so cover as much ground as they could and reconvene back at the entry point for debriefing.

Forks was not a big town. Your neighbour went to school with your mom, and the elementary teacher taught your older cousins, you and your younger siblings. It was a town of neighbouring love and support. So, when the disappearance and deaths started occurring due to the wolves presence the town had banded together to avenge their loss.

Charlie and Harry took off their route with a few men and dogs at their disposable. They covered much ground and Harry made sure to cover the wolves' track as much as he could.

In his side mission, Harry deviated from the group for just a singular moment so that he could
wipe the wolves tracks off the mud.

And it took just a singular moment to create such a powerful domino effect that no one, not even the Seer could have predicted in her immortal life.

Victoria had attacked Harry. He lost his gun and was overall powerless against the ferocious vampire. She held him by his throat and was about to drain his blood when a bullet swiped past her cheek.

It was Charlie.

Victoria had her sight on a new victim now.

She dropped Harry harshly against a tree and stalked towards her new prey.


It was too late. The hour had grown dim and the forest had begun to shudder under the dark influence of the vampire.

Charlie reloaded his shotgun and fired at the women again, and again but it was too no avail. No man-made bullets could pierce the string exterior of the vampire.

Victoria lunged at Charlie and disarmed him. She threw his shotgun at a nearby tree and it shattered into pieces. She grabbed Charlie and hurled him near Harry.

" the hell..are you?"

Charlie could only rasp out a few words. His broken bones did not shatter the fight in his soul.

"You are about to find out sweetheart." The redhead replied.

Victoria seized Charlie from the ground and on his knees. She stood behind, positioning her sharp teeth  for lethality. Her dark orbs bore into Harry's who could not defend his friend.

Harry was powerless and desperate. Tears flooded his eyes as looked upon the nightmare that was unleashing before him.

"Harry...please...take...take care of them."


Charlie's bloodcurdling scream rang through the forest as Victoria sunk her sharp poison in his neck and drank his blood.

"CHARLIE!" Harry could only yell at his friend name in vain.


He could only watch as Charlie screamed and screamed against the mighty vampire.


He could only watch as Charlie turned paler by the second.

Harry could only watch as Charlie stopped screaming and his turned lifeless and his free spirit flew away in the clouds.

Harry could only watch as Charlie Swan died a warrior's death.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Love you all.

I'm sorry y'all. I'm prepared to pay for any therapy bills coming my way.

Ice Veins; Ice HeartOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz