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hi everyone,

I feel like this has to be said in light of recent events.

Recently, the United States has made the decision to overturn Roe vs Wade, which takes away the constitutional right to abortions.

I am incredible saddened and absolutely horrified at this move by the Supreme Court. Furthermore, many states across the south and Midwest have immediately made it illegal to access safe and legal termination of pregnancy.

People in-need of such healthcare in those red zones have to travel hundreds of miles to reach a safe abortion provider. This is absolutely not practical as many do not have the privilege of affording this practise.

This is something that has been said again and again and I will repeat it:

Abortion procedures harm people's health when they are outlawed and therefore done unsafely.


Forcing someone to undergo an incredibly tenuous process for 9 months, enduring both physical and psychological stress is NOT the solution.

my body, my choice!
my body, my choice!
my body, my choice!
my body, my choice!

Where have all those people who chanted the same thing when vaccines were mandated gone?
Where have all those people who chanted the same thing when the Second Amendment (right to bear arms) was threatened gone?

So, this is not a case of protecting a "life" (yes, I put this in quotations and I am absolutely willing to defend my position on the categorization of "life" during the months of pregnancy) but subjugating women to follow your twisted ideals of hypocrisy!

If you really want to protect a life please look at your underfunded public schools, foster care systems and highly increasing rates undernourished children!

If you really want to protect the sanctity of life then do something's about the fact that your precious little Second Amendment is the leading cause of death among American children and teens.

A gun should not have more rights and protection than a living-bodied human being.

I am incredibly fortunate to live in a country where my right to a SAFE AND LEGAL abortion is protected but this will not stop me from continuing to speak about this atrocity in the United States.

I will stand with the countless people affected by the removal of this landmark in the United States.

Thank you for taking the time out of your day and reading this. I appreciate all of my dear readers who share the same sentiments toward body autonomy.

Ice Veins; Ice HeartTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang