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You're a monster

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You're a monster.
No, YOU brought the monster
- Marvel

During lunch Edward and Bella never came back to the table. It was just the rest of the Cullen siblings and Noelle.

Noelle chalked this up to pure dumb luck but the probability was that Edward read The Major's thoughts and decided maybe it was best to stay away until Jasper returned lest his girlfriend's head ended up on a pike.

After the lunch break, Noelle had a spare. She had no classes for hours so she decided to utilize it by spending time with The Major and getting to know him. Obviously that was easier said than done due to the fact that The Major was like a rock or so Noelle thought. The truth of the situation was The Major did not know what information would scare her away from him and Jasper. The Major was not an idiot he knew the his history was certainly one for the ages but would his soul-bound sister accept it? Would she reject it? She was handling the whole Major/Jasper portion of their personality quite well but he did not want to take any further chances.

"Tell me more please?"

"What do you wish to know Little one?"

"About you? And Jasper. I want to know about your kind?"

"Our kind?" The Major asked with an accusatory hint in his tone.

"You are not human Major. You may fool the passing stranger on the street but not me. I know what hiding looks like."

"Do you now? Tell me more darlin."

"You are too normal. When someone is appears too normal than what the 'common' man is, they usually aren't. It means you are hiding something."

The Major had a wide smile on his face. His soul-bound was smart. She could even be too smart for her own good. But she knew something was amiss and she did not run for the hills. Maybe it was going to be okay, he asked himself.

Maybe, just maybe, it won't all tumble and fall down into a million shards.

"Well little one that's quite the theory. I have nother notion."

"Which is?"

"That you recognize the signs."

Noelle was taken back.

"What do you mean? I don't know of these signs you talk about."

"Do not lie Noelle. I don't like liars." The Major replied harshly.

"You are bluffing. I hide nothing!" Noelle challenged him right back.

"I see your coldness seeping out through the darkness. I sense your pain in hiding them, containing them. Trying to protect everyone around you because you feel like some desolate monster that will break anything you touch. Your pathetic attempt to cover anything even remotely supernatural reeks of your desperation for a sense of normalcy. Those are the signs I speak of."

After The Major's short speech Noelle was horrified. He had no mercy for her sake. He had taken every insecurity under a microscope and dissected it in-front of her like a frog in grade 9 biology class. Her eyes were getting blurry from the tears that greeted her once again. The consequences of blind trust toward the Major dawned on her now.

The frog who carried the scorpion to safety died by the same poison he once foolishly trusted.

The realization was crashing down on Noelle and all she could do was stare back at the scorpion with tears running down her face like it was some sort of race.

"But, us, we are so desperate for the lives that were taken from us that we try to recreate it them. We try to pinpoint the moments it all went wrong for us so that when we redo it that it becomes somehow better. But it's a pathetic attempt at our lost fates Noelle."

"You are quite cruel."

"Cruelness and reality go hand-in-hand."

"I...have..have no words."

"It might seem cruel now little one and  you might hate me for all eternity because of it but I promise you that no one will ever make you feel inferior or less-than. I will shield you from the same cruelness that I was subjected to in my youth."

The Major bent down to meet Noelle's doe eye that looked up to him in still-adoration.

"I will unleash such a havoc on the person who tries to maim you in any way that you never need to crawl back to your attempts of protecting yourself. Do you understand me Noelle?"

"I- Yes, yes I do."


"And to answer your question, Jasper will return towards the end of your school day. You will go with him so he can answer the full scope of the truth."

"Will I see you again?"

"Just call my name Little one and I shall appear to you in light seconds."

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