la confrontation (part. 3)

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and so it begins - Klergy

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and so it begins
- Klergy


"Yes darlin?"

"I want to know why."

"Why what princess?"

"Why do you make sense?"

Noelle was a blunt girl. She would straight up tell Isabelle to shut up and Charlie to leave her alone. Sometimes she did lose her bearings in-front of Billy but that was because she did not need to keep up a tough act façade in front of him.

Noelle was also oblivious. Instead of asking about the debacle she witness she opted to ask about her feelings toward Jasper.

But even thought she was blunt being around  Jasper she felt a complete loss for words. It was like her tongue grew feet and ran away. She couldn't formulate her thoughts in a coherent sentence. But, at the same time she was not entirely embarrassed because Jasper knew what she was asking. He could understand her even in her tongue-tied state.

"It's complicated darlin."

"Un-complicate it then Jasper."

Jasper looked deep into her white irises that were still hidden by her polarized sunglasses. He took an un-needed sigh.

"And do not even think about lying to me Jasper!"

The pair stopped walking when Noelle withdrew her hand from Jasper's. She turned to face him head-on with a stern face.

"You- Elle pointed her finger at Jasper's chest- you are the first person that I have completely trusted in a long time... maybe even forever! And so Jasper Cullen, your Southern sweet-talking ass better not be lying to me or I promise you that little storm you witnessed there a few minutes ago...yeah that one... I will make that one seem like tanning-barbecue-fucking-beach day!"

Noelle inhaled a much-needed breath to resume her threat against the blond Cullen.

"Have I made that abundantly clear Cullen?"

Jasper smirked at his little human (maybe?) sister standing in-front of him. He adored her confidence, secretly grateful she was not as naive as her twin. Noelle was not a princess gazing out of a window in the tallest room, in the tallest tower. She was the warrior that slayed the dragon and ate its heart. After his pondering thoughts came back to the situation at hand Jasper replied.

"It's Hale."

Perplexed by his answer, Elle questioned him.

"Pardon me? Are you seriously correcting my weather terminology?"

Finding the whole situation funny Jasper rolled his eyes to look back at Noelle, who was currently fuming at his nonchalant response.

"It's Jasper Whitlock Hale ma'am,

and I wouldn't dream of lyin' to ya darlin."

"Oh. That clears it up. But I still want my question answered."

"How about this darlin, after school you come over to ma place and get all ya questions answered. Hm?"

"Well....sounds like a plan. But now you have to take me to English first."

"Yes ma'am."

As they walked through the hallway the pair reached the department of literature. The English classroom, 1205, had a maroon door which was tapered with quotes from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, Noelle could already feel the boredom she is about to endure in that class.

"Everything is going to be fine darlin."

Noelle looked up to Jasper to see him smiling down at her. He has a very warm smile contrasting to her cold nature.

"Will you be here.... Like you know when class ends?"

"Yes. I want you to meet someone at lunch."

"So your idea of a peaceful lunch is me socializing?"

"Darlin- Jasper bent down to Noelle's eye level, very intimidatingly- do you think I would ever do anything to make ya sad ?"


"Good! Then git!"

Jasper turned his head toward the door and gestured. He was not going to tolerate Noelle's self-destructing behaviours. She lives in a bubble of fear, that Jasper feared would soon end her if she did not step out of it.

Putting her hand-up in defence, Noelle walked up to the red door and knocked. When she heard the word, enter, she did and closed the door behind her.

She was incredibly nervous for her class. Now that Jasper was gone she really had to put on her big girl pants and get through this all on her own.


"Sorry for being late, I am the new student."

"Yes, Ms. Noelle Swan. I have you on my list. Please."

The teacher gestured for her sign-in sheet causing her to walk deeper into the class. Noelle could feel all the chattering sand whispering. She knew what their about! It was all like the history class, however, there was something different in with this class. Everyone kept peaking to the back of the classroom. They were looking at something or someone.

Noelle's covered eyes followed the line of sight to find the object of everyone's neck-breaking. It was none other than her sister, coddled into the side of her bronze-haired idiot boyfriend, Edweirdo.

Mentally shaking her head, Noelle thought to herself, out of all the classes offered why in the hell was she stuck with the weird couple. It was like the gods were playing a cruel trick on her.

"Ms. Swan I do not usually permit this but next time do not be 12 minutes late to class."

The teacher said quite harshly.

"I am sorry, it will not happen again."

"Hm. Take any seat that is open and here is your copy of To Kill A Mockingbird."

Noelle grabbed her book and took a quick scan of the room before her. She wanted to sit as far as humanely possible from Bella and Edfuck. The only other seat that was far enough was the front seat in the third row. Contemplating sitting on the first seat Noelle went and sat down.

She knew it was a horrible idea to be in such close proximity of everything but she did not have other choices.

"Okay class. So where were we......oh yes! What are the limitation of having Scout as the narrator?

Yes, Mr. Cullen?"

"Sorry Mr. Kirk but I was wondering, isn't accessories like hats, gloves or sunglasses banned from wearing-in class?"

Noelle knew exactly why Edfart was doing this. He was embarrassed by Jasper and this is his way of enacting his revenge. And he has struck the chord. There was no way Noelle could take her sunglasses off or even her gloves.

"Of course Mr. CuLlEn." The teacher said through gritted teeth.

"Ms. Swan if you could please remove the extra articles of clothing?"

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