a gift; a blessing; the ancestors

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i got a pocket, got a pocketful of sunshine
i got a love and i know that it's all mine

Hey you have reached Charlie Swan. Please leave a message.

"Hey dad, it's me. Listen, I got into a fight with Bella and I left...and before you start worrying I'm safe...I just need some time. I'll be back soon."

The line went dead.

"He will understand." Billy reassured Noelle.

"It's the same crap Bella pulled last time."

"I'll call him and tell him you are here. Don't worry sweetheart."

"What am I going to do Billy? The transformation...I look like a monster."

Billy looked up to Noelle's white eyes and hair and gave her one of his famous heart-warming smile.

"Nothing like Emily's chicken noodle soup to warm the soul."


"Come on...the pack wants to meet you."

Billy nudged Noelle as he moved deeper into the woods. He gave Noelle no time to argue or complain. From a young age Billy was always the one to soothe Noelle's outbursts, until Renee moved the twins half-way around the world.

After the accident Billy just knew that Noelle was different. She was no longer the same Noelle who fell, even though Noelle didn't. Noelle had never questioned how Billy knew or why would he even help her but after the whole vampire fiasco her curiosity had reared it's ugly head.

"You are probably right. I need a few days to look normal before I go back home." Noelle sighed as she followed Billy.

"You are as normal as the average joe Noelle. Do not demean your gift."

"Why do you always say call this godforsaken curse a gift."

"Why do you call it a curse?"

"Don't pull the reverse psychology thing on me Uncle. It didn't work for Renee it ain't gonna work ya!"

Billy chuckled at Noelle indignant sayings.

"You do not understanding how much of a blessing you are Noelle."

"Pft." Noelle replied childishly.

"Very mature."

"It is a curse! I am a curse! Say it for what I truly am!"

"You are a blessing my child and it is time for you to accept who truly are."

"Who I truly am? No offence Uncle but whoever bought you that hallmark pillow case doesn't like you."

"One conversation Noelle! I would like one conversation without your snide comments."

"Fine! But if you want me to accept who I truly am then why don't you tell me what I am? Hm? I'm not a vampire or a werewolf or shifter! Even in the world of supernatural I am STILL the fucking freak!"

"Language Noelle!" Billy sternly said. Billy took a deep breathe and stopped in his tracks. He positioned his wheelchair to look back at Noelle.

"If you want to know who you truly, and I mean TRULY are I need you to trust me."

"Of course I trust you Uncle. I trust you with everything I have."

"Good. Then maybe it is time for you to the truth about yourself."

"And I suppose you know the truth?"

"Who better than me?"

"Well- wait a minute! You know?"

"Of course I know. They do not call me the storyteller for no reason."

"So all this time you knew?"


"So you knew and you just never told me?"

"You just never asked."

"You bring a new meaning to girlboss, gatekeep,  gaslight Uncle."

"Do you want to hear the story or not?"

Noelle nodded and Billy began the unimaginable tale of Noelle origins.

"The legends, Nordic to be exact speak of an ice giant named Skadi. She was a fierce warrior and goddess. Often associated with snow and winter and such...anyway one fateful day the gods offered her a chance to marry. Her husband was picked. He was the god of the seas and his name was Njord. It is often said that their passionate love making froze the earth's waters. The marriage of ice and water shook the heavens upon which we gaze upon."

Billy looked Noelle and smiled.

"Nordic legends?"

"Yes, Noelle. But you see the couple were not fated to have children."


"Thor, the almighty god, did not look kindly on the Skadi's kind so he bribed the Goddess of Fertility to abandon the couple. The Goddess of Ice and God of Sea were devastated. They often howled for their missing piece by wrecking ships on nasty waters or havocking winters...but that was not the end of their tale. One faithful day, a child, an innocent child, full of laughter and love, fell into through an ice lake and died."

Noelle stopped in her tracks. Her brain was working overtime trying to connect the dots of Billy's story.

"Died?" Noelle asked.

"The childless couple took pity on the poor babe and blessed her."

"Wh...what?" Noelle whispered. Her voice cracked. Her tears ran down her cheeks. Noelle stopped in her tracks, afraid of what Billy was  going to say next.

"Yes sweetheart. Noelle Swan died that day. And you were born...daughter of ice and water, princess of the moon elements, Ilsa."

Noelle was so engrossed in Billy's revelation that she hadn't registered where she was.

This was not Emily's house.

Did I just leave y'all on a cliff hanger?

Did I really have the audacity to do that?

Yes. Yes I did.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Love you all.

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