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A few days past the hectic breakfast, the Kings and Ilsa had decided to get to know each other individually before getting to know each other as a collective.

Today was her first date with Marcus. It was quite a headache deciding who went first. Aro suggested a diplomatic approach that favoured him specifically.

"No! Absolutely not!" Caius yelled.

"Why, brother?" Aro smirked.

"Because then you would get to go first, Aro!"

"Just because the alphabet starts with the letter A does not make it my fault."

"We are picking another method," Marcus growled. 

Ilsa was sitting comfortably on the leather couch in Marcus' office. She let out an innocent chuckle. Never had anyone fought, just spent time with her. Her parents usually fought over who had to spend time with her. It was such an ironic change in her story.

"Having fun, caro?"

Aro questioned his beautiful, white-haired mate. Her slender legs were spread on the couch, and the sunlight bounced off her translucent skin, shimmering at her touch. She looked absolutely ethereal in her relaxed state.

"Tons," Ilsa replied.

Aro approached her and placed his hands on either side of Ilsa, successfully caging her within his grasp.

"Do you enjoy the constant fighting over your affections?"

"Extremely so Aro," Ilsa replied.

"You are certainly going to enjoy it more when it comes to deciding who gets to taste you first, piccola."

"...do you think it's going to be you then?" Ilsa had gotten over getting tongue-tied by the King's sudden outburst of sexual obsession. They had increased the frequency as they enjoyed watching her blush and floundered. Ilsa had decided to play with them right back.

Moving closer to her, Aro was millimetres from her soft, pink lips.

"You need to beg for that pleasure, my dear."

Feeling suffocated and intoxicated by his scent, Ilsa was seriously considering his offer. But her lightheaded euphoria soon passed by Caius' outburst.

"That is it! Aro goes last!"

"Agreed," Marcus replied, crossing his arms.

While the Kings were overjoyed to know that they were to share a mate, their overzealous and jealous nature did not quite get the memo.

"You cannot just decide that!"

"You said to be a diplomatic approach, nothing shy of diplomacy if it is a fair vote," Marcus explained.

"There is one person who still has not voted."

Aro turned his attention back to his mate.

"My love...tell me, what do you desire?" He whispered lowly.

"Aro...Aro goes last."

"Betrayal," Aro exclaimed.

"You broke the rules, amore. You flirted." Ilsa used her knowledge of Italian affectionate nicknames.

"Very well then, I go last. Who gets the honour of being first?"

"I do". Marcus and Caius said in unison. That launched both of them into a furious argument of debates and logical assumptions.

"Oh, Jesus! Stop!" Ilsa got up from her position and approached the fighting kings.

"We will decide this by a coin toss." She decided.

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