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Ying walks me to the room since the heavy robes made it inconvenient for me to move swiftly. She guides me to the bed, and I take a seat. Bureaucratic motions and conversations are tiring once it extends over more than ten hours. Although I was sitting most of the celebration, I had to properly exert the disposition of someone worthy to be Demon Queen. 

"The children?" I ask her, letting a weary sigh escape. 

"They've tired themselves out and are resting."

"They must have had fun today with all the performances and food. We don't often get this many guests in the Azure Aurora Palace. Did Jun'er enjoy herself?"

Ying nods. "Yes, the princess appears to have had fun along with her brothers."

 "What about you?"

"It was indeed a magnificent celebration." 

"Did the Heavenly Emperor came just to speak with you today?"

"His majesty was here to congratulate you and his highness, Demon King," she quickly refutes.

"Ah Ying, I won't butt into your matters. If you want me to stop my nephew from pursuing you, I can make it happen. I understand the past is complicated and just because I'm his elder doesn't mean I know everything but since it's a matter between lovers..."

Bowing to bid farewell, Ying ends our conversation, "I will take my leave." She disappears in a blink of an eye using a teleportation spell. 

Someone enters the bridal chamber with careful steps. I can tell who it is based on the aura. It sends a fluttering wave to unravel in my chest as if I had not accompany this person for the last few centuries. As if I'm a blushing bride meeting her husband for the first time. 

The door closes behind him, securely locking in place as he advances towards me. A golden frame blocks the view of the bed, and red decorations added a mortal festivity for the special occasion. 

Melting my nervousness, his eyes fall on mine, sparkling delightfully even after a long day. He sits down and holds my hand, his thumb gently caressing. 

Observing my facial expression for any sign of discomfort, Zi Huo asks, "Was it tiring? Are you fatigued?"

"I'm fine. You? You stayed to greet everyone before returning."

"I'm used to it."

"For my sake, you even shortened the ceremony to one day, making it even more troublesome for a shorter amount of time." 

"It was mostly a formality to officially name you as my queen." He lowers is gaze and inches closer. "Although you've been my wife since the beginning." 

I smile and slither my arms around his waist. Falling into his embrace, I close my eyes momentarily. 

"And you've been mine." 

"The triplets are still young. I don't want to stress you out with all the rules. The elders only need to recognize you, and the needlessly irritating alliance with the Heavenly Empire has already been secured. We can now focus on raising our family."

"Our family..." I mutter. 


"It's crazy to think that all those lifetimes ago, I was basked in solitude and couldn't even imagine living a life as a mother. Sometimes I still think of myself to be incompetent."

"You're an amazing mother. These are our children together, so we will learn to be good parents over time." Zi Huo pecks the top of my head and tightens his hold. "I should have hurried the wedding before the triplets arrived."

Every Lifetime I Fall {COMPLETED but undergoing revisions}Where stories live. Discover now