Chapter 177: Fifth Life - Stuck with You III

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Yang Zi Huo places down a plate of delicacy on the table. Steams from the freshly cooked dishes emits an enticing aroma. My stomach rumbles eagerly to eat it all.

Honestly, cooking is one of his main attributes that I can't find fault with.

"Hope you don't mind I made a few dishes for you tonight." His sleeves are pulled up to his elbows. After setting down the last dish, he timidly stood to the side.

Already picking up my chopsticks, I say, "Are you kidding? I've been dying to get another taste of this for so long!"

Yang Zi Huo is surprised by my words. Ignoring him, I begin to dig in. Every bit of food that comes into contact with my tongue tastes incredible. One after another, I eat from each of the different dishes. At one moment, Yang Zi Huo starts to worry when I inexplicably have a large amount of food in my mouth. He pours water into a bamboo cup and immediately places it in my hand.

I hit my chest to move the flow of congested food. Gulping down the water, I feel a flood of satisfying cool wash everything down my throat.

Like old times, Yang Zi Huo doesn't eat. He continues to stare while standing like a wooden board.

"What are you looking at?"

He fights back a smile. "I just worry you'll die of gluttony before any demon gets the chance to eat you."

"How can you joke about that?!" I retaliate against him.

"If you really felt that you were in danger, would you be able to stuff your face so gleefully like that?" He lectures me with a playful grin. "Besides any demon who tries to eat you will be eaten by me first. Don't worry."

"Hmph..." My appetite has relinquished at this point. I put down my chopsticks, and Yang Zi Huo takes it as a sign to clear away the food.

I move to the bed, lying down and fanning myself with a paper fan.

I guess I have let my guard down... Is it because I feel safe being around Yang Zi Huo? I know he won't let harm befall onto me, but considering how I've died in our previous lifetimes, he wasn't able to stop the deaths either. Of course, I can't fully blame him as I've chosen my path that ultimately led to those ends. I chose to find him in capital city, chose to accept his medical treatment, chose to save him from Crimson Snow Valley, chose to sacrifice my life in order to save his from the Immortal Sects. I have to rely on my own strengths. I know I'm more than capable of protecting myself.

"Miss Yong He?" Zi Xue's voice beckons for me from outside the door.

Sitting up, I answer. "Um, yes?"

"I've prepared a bath for you and some new clothes in the bathing room downstairs. Please come when the water is still warm."

"A-- All right then. Thank you, I'll do that."

Her shadow disappears from the paper screen.

A bath? That sounds good about now.

Taking her advice, I head downstairs to the women's bathing room and enjoy a hot, nice bath. On the drawer next to the tub, Zi Xue had placed a simple plum colored dress. She seems to like wearing this type of color scheme.

After bathing, I put on the dress and bring my old clothes back up to the room. I enter expecting to see Yang Zi Huo, but I open the door to emptiness.

Where is he?

Back down to the main restaurant area, I find Zi Xue cleaning up before closing.

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