Chapter 133: YZH

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"Sect Leader, there's a rumor that an unknown village called Pingfan has been sacrificing brides to a blood demon for hundreds of years. The village itself is closed off from the outside world. Should I go and investigate?" Gu Yi reports.

I put down the my manuscript and reply, "No need. I'll take care of it."

It's been five years since the war with the Immortal Sects, and I've been itching for another fight. With a worthy opponent.

Song was a formidable foe. His son can't hold a candle to his father. I'm aware he's plotting something when he really needs to learn who to side with. Not that I've given him much to consider. After all, I was the one who killed his father.

Yet, the only thing I can't take from him is Ming Yan. The one woman who I can't get off my mind these days. It's been years since I've last seen her. The hate in her eyes, I won't forget. It was like she finally saw me for the demon I am. I'm surprised she thought of me to be a friend for that long. Friends? I don't need friends. What I want is order and obedience.

I teleport to a path leading to the village. The density of demon presence is suffocating. Within these woods lie an evil presence in slumber. It will awake to feed soon.

I find myself approaching a cave. The smell of blood drowns the air in heavy despair. Who could send away their daughter or sister to a demon like this? I find the victims pitiful.

Walking into the darkness, I hear the echo of dripping liquid. The light behind me shines on a figure dressed in red.

I have to be careful. This might be a demon illusion.

Conjuring wind in my right hand, I force the red veil off of the person's face. Staring back at me, the girl appears frightened. Tears stream down her face.

The demon feels my presence. I've intruded his feeding time. Well, I'm eager to have it meet its death.

The creature only looks to be a threat, but is not even worth the challenge. With one quick slash down the middle of the monster's forehead, I take a step back. In three seconds, the demon's body to split in half by my Fire Blade.

How disappointing.

"I think I'm gonna hurl." I hear the young girl say.

Returning to her, I use my sword to cut open the latch on her ankle.

She muttered, "Thank you."

She struggles to stand. I observe the bruising around her ankle. I grab her arm to help her stand.

"Ow..." she cries.

"What is it?"

"I think I injured my ankle when I tried to run with my foot still chained."

It would be best if I remove her from this cave. I'm sure a mortal like her can't stand the stench. "I'll help you."

I help carry her out of the cave as she stares at me the entire time. Does she think I'm going to hurt her?

We haven't walk from the cave, but the girl is already tired. She lets go of my support and sits on the ground.

I'm wondering if she was a bride sacrificed by Pingfan villagers? If so...

"What were you doing in that cave?" I question.

"It's not like I was in there on my own free will. They locked me in there."


"The people from my village."

"You're from Pingfan?"

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