Chapter 164: WYH IX

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"So you got what I need?" I put my hands on my hips while swirling the strand of a straw in my mouth. Unbothered about the sketchy men, I wait for them to bring me to the profitable goods.

"Yeah, just down the stairs. You'll find what you need." The sticky looking man smirks, showing his dark teeth. I couldn't look at him for another second.

"Great, bring me to them."

"Not so fast. The money?"

"Ah? Yes." I gesture for my partner to show the case. "Li Xiao, give it to him."

As stiff as he always moved, Li Xiao opens the case to reveal thousands of silver nuggets worth.

The man chuckles creepily. "Men, let him fetch what he needs."

His crew of outlaws moves aside for me to walk through. Two of the men follow me down to the cool basement. Darkness wafts over the staircase. Flickering candlelight can be seen at the bottom.

My heart drops when I see what is down in the basement. Young girls chained to wooden poles, some of them bloodied with wounds from what looks like was received from a whip. They fearfully shuffle away as I get closer.

I slowly walk to the nearest girl. She begins to shake uncontrollably when I kneel down to talk to her.

"How old are you?"

"Four-- Fourteen..."

"How long you've been down here?"

"Three months?"

"They hurt you?"

Squeezing her eyes shut, she nods endlessly. Tears roll down her cheeks.

I stand up straight, still feeling the two men watching me from behind.

I yell as loud as I can, "Li Xiao! Release the Tiger!"

Loud crashes can be heard from the floor above. The two men become frazzled but immediately knew something was not right about this transaction. Before they could take me down, I elbow one of them in the stomach causing him to lean forward. Slamming his head down the ground, he couldn't stand back up. The other reaches for his blade to cut me open. I evade his strike and grab a hold of his right arm. Kneeing in the elbow, he drops the knife and cries out. I knock him unconscious and he falls to the ground.

The girls scream and cry during the fight. After the men were subdued, I tie them with rope I found in the basement.

"Don't worry, I'm an detective sent here to put these men in jail. I won't hurt you." I raise my hands to show the girls that I'm not going to harm them. They became quiet, a few still crying.

Pulling out the thick plaque, I wave it around. "See this is my badge."

"Young Lord, I've defeated the men and had our men arrested them." Li Xiao hurries to notify me.

"Li Xiao, it's Detective Wu."

"Yes. My apologies, Detective Wu."

"Whatever, help me unbind the girls."


It was a long process, but I helped the girls return home. Most of them didn't have a place to return to. They were either sold unwillingly by people they knew or kidnapped by slave traders. With the help of the ministry, I secured safe homes for the girls until they are independent to move on. Every time I looked at their faces, I'm reminded of her. I try not to think about it, only trying to survive on the notion of justice.

The criminals were arrested and soon will have their judgment day come.

"Detective Wu, Reaper has struck again," Li Xiao tells me as I lie resting on the daybed in my study.

Every Lifetime I Fall {COMPLETED but undergoing revisions}Where stories live. Discover now