Chapter 16: Second Life - A Whole New World

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"I don't want you to hurt yourself," he said.

Fine. Don't blame me if I trample you.

I continued walking upwards. The dense air transitioned into a windy harrowing breeze. I felt as we were going higher, the path evolved onto the edges of the mountain. There was a rope acting as the railing. My left foot overstepped the placement of the stairs, and I felt the emptiness of space, almost plummeting to my death.

"Mingxian, careful!" Two strong hands pulled me back. Like a wearing a coat of protection, Shuguang's tall stature enveloped my body. He held onto me tightly until I shook him off.

"That was scary," I said still in a daze, "Why didn't you tell me there was a curve?!"

"I'm sorry, Mingxian," he said sounding quite adorable, so I decided not to give him a hard time.

"You can lead me. I mean it's far too dangerous."

As though delighted from hearing my request, I felt him move to the front of me.

"Mingxian, get on top of me," he ordered.

"What? What are you trying to do?"

"I can carry you to the top."

"Carry me? Shuguang, I have legs. I can walk," I retorted.

"But it'll be easier for me to lead you..."


I mean my legs were tired anyways. I leaned forward feeling his wide shoulders. As soon as I wrapped my arms around his neck, his long arms swooped me up. My gaping mouth illustrated my shock from his strength. I was glad he couldn't see me. He might have thought I was actually enjoying being latched onto him!

Like a child I clung into his back, inhaling the scent of his hair. He always smelled nice, similar to freshly washed clothes.

"Kong Shuguang, listen. Although I'm technically brought here as a patient, it's appropriate that I continue my studies and practice as a physician. In a way, I'm here as a partner in medicine. Therefore, I'll address you as a colleague."

"Is that why you've been calling me Kong Shuguang and not Lord Kong?"

"Well, we both have the same working title. We're both physicians, and you're not that much older than me."

Although you are the renowned Prince of Medicine.

"I'd thought after what happened..."


"...You're starting to see me as your husband?"

I wiggled about on his back, ready to land my knuckles on his head.

"Kong Shuguang, where do you keep making up these things for me?! We're colleagues. Besides your treatment for my eyesight is to rectify what happened. Don't talk about it from now on."

"Sorry. I won't anymore..."

As I held onto Shuguang, I could hear his breath getting shorter and louder. He was getting tired. His sweat started dripping onto my sleeve. Without thinking, I started to wipe away at his forehead.

"Take your sweat back... it's dripping all over my sleeves."

"Oh, sorry. We're almost there, Mingxian. Just a hold on a bit longer."

"Why are you worried about me?"

You're the one carrying the size of a ton of rice up ten miles of stairs.

We finally reached the top, although I couldn't see anything, I imagined the sect looking glamorous. The sassy servant made his way over to us.

"Lord Kong! You're sweating. Did you make our Lord Kong carry you?! Imbecile."

"Ah Xi. Mingxian is a guest. Considering her condition, you should be polite." I heard Kong Shuguang lectured the annoying servant.

Hmph! In your face!

"Come, Mingxian. I want to show you your quarters."

He tapped me with his arm.


I obliged and held onto him, making sure the servant saw that I was given special treatment by his Master.

We walked through an opening into a courtyard with a variety of scent blaring into my nostrils. Smelled like bottles of opened perfume.

"Is there a garden in here?" I asked.

"Yes, I had the students plant a garden of different flowers for you. Do you like them?"

Uh... too much smell.

"Haha... yes... I like them..."

He led me over to a patch of flowers poking out. I placed my finger out to make out the shape. It was soft. Small little flowers populating the top. It smelled refreshing and soothing.

"This is lavender, right?"

"Yes, it is."

"Mmm," I sniffed, "I like smelling flowers. It's like my way of telling the colors."

"What color do you think lavender is?"

"It is... a pale cream color. The smell is telling me that. But Master has told me it's a light purple color."

I went onto the next patch of flowers. This one smelled nice too. Like makeup.

"What kind of flower is this? It smells nice— Ow!"

"Careful!" Kong Shuguang reached down to grab my hand that I used to touch the prickly flower.

"It's not poisonous is it?!"

"No," he said and kept his hold on me, "This is a rose bush. It's deep red color symbolizes love, but it has thorns that can be tricky to appreciate them. Be careful when you touch them."

"Okay..." I removed my hands from his hold.

After viewing the garden, Kong Shuguang brought me inside my chambers. Spacious but still had the necessities to put my things. He had a student named Xiao Chu assigned to help me around the sect.

"Kong Shuguang? How are you going to make things up to me if you let another do your job of leading me around?"

I teased, but in all seriousness I wondered how much time I would get to spend with the busy Prince of Medicine.

"Don't worry. We'll meet everyday for your treatment. When I'm not preoccupied with anything, I'll come keep you company. I'm guessing you may become quite busy too, we have all sorts of patients come by, you will definitely put your skills to use."

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