Chapter 63: Fourth Life - Reunited

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"Where did he go?" I muttered to myself, walking down a well-paved path for carriages and horse to pass through.

"He really didn't wait for me." Pouting, I was upset that my fake husband really didn't hold me with high regards, not even fake regards.

A drip of water landed on my forehead. Looking up past the tall trees, a shower of rain was making its way to earth. Hovering my arms above my head, I sought shelter under the feeble branches of a tree. Shivering from the cold wetness, my lips quivered uncontrollably. A sudden cloth of warmth embraced my shoulders, stopping the rain from touching my already drenched body.

It was Yang Zi Huo holding his outer robe over our heads. His eyes were friendly as his smile greeted me. Glad to see him, I smiled in return.

Unable to hide my excitement, I said, "You came back!"

For a moment, I forgot that this did not mean that he was falling in love with me. Only that I was falling deeper.

"How can I leave..." He wiped the water running down the side of my face and continued, "My wife?"

"W-- Wife?" I stuttered.

"We're married now, aren't we?"

Although he was smiling warmly, I stared at the ground feeling immense guilt in my gut.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to use you. It was just that I didn't want Chun Mei to worry about me leaving the village. Mother and Father will have to live with the fact that I left for myself, but Chun Mei doesn't know anything."

He listened intently, nodding.

"I didn't want her to worry, so you don't have to feel as though you're obligated to be married to me."

He smirked, "But it's what you want, isn't it?"


Wh-- Did he figure me out? Ugh! So embarrassing.

"You want me. To love you and dote on you as your husband."

"I... I..."

He laughed at my loss for words. Holding my hand, he said, "It looks like it's going to rain for awhile. I know a place we can wait for the storm to pass."

I nodded, willing to follow him to the ends of the earth. He turned and led the way deeper into the forest while keeping a firm hold on my hand. Inside an abandoned shack, I observed the interior of broken wood and leaking roof.

Yang Zi Huo quickly started a fire by piling up some twigs and igniting it with the powers at his palm. Bending down, I brought my hands up to the orange flames to keep warm.

Feeling his stare, I glanced in his direction and met his eyes. Clearing my throat, I returned my focus to the fire. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Yang Zi Huo walking in my direction. Sitting down next to me, he pulled me into his arms. Worried that I may have sat down too hard on his lap, I was afraid he was holding in his pain from supporting my weight.

With his arms tight around me, he asked, "Warm enough?"

"Um, I..."

Oh Heavens, why do I turn into this blubbering idiot around him?

"No need to be shy. We're married now," he softly whispered. I shuddered from hearing his sweet tone.

"But we're not really married..." I quietly responded.

"Sure we are. You love me, don't you?"

Love? I don't know...

"When I lifted your veil, I already fell in love with you," he revealed.

Every Lifetime I Fall {COMPLETED but undergoing revisions}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ