Chapter 14: Second Life - Longing for Something

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Carrying a basket on my back, I was on my way to the foot of Livid Mountain. My bamboo stick, out in front, guided me on the path. Going up the hilly path, I could hear the forest's sounds of life. Birds chirping, animals scurrying on the ground, wind flowing through the trees. It was calming and serene.

About after an hour of wandering for herbs, I heard a voice calling out my name.


I was suddenly afraid that a ghost of the mountain was calling out to me. I'd never encountered the supernatural before, but nevertheless I was superstitious.

I didn't answer but froze to see if this being was human or not.

Finally catching up to me and out of breath, the voice said, "Mingxian, I've finally found you..."

"Lord Kong? What brings you here?"

Did he follow me here?

"I was looking for you. Xiao Wei said you offered to come gather medicine today... are you avoiding me?"

I bet the color of my face went completely red because the temperature on my cheeks raised to steaming hot.

"I wasn't! I just wanted to help out Xiao Wei this time."

"Okay... I just wanted to apologize for last time."


"When I asked if you were willing to leave with me to fix your eyes... I didn't mean that you weren't a good physician if you didn't have your sight. I didn't mean that you were less of a human being. You're still a great person. Someone who I respect a great deal."

"Well... I'm not mad about that."

"Then are you mad about something else?"

I scoffed, "Of course not! How can I possibly be mad at you for anything, Lord Kong. Anyways, I have to get back to work."

"I will accompany you."

"Suit yourself."

I continued my search for herbs, avoiding holes and rocks that may trip me. We wandered the forest in silence, not saying a word to one another. Even so, I could feel Lord Kong's eyes following me.

I tried to ignore his presence while feeling the ground. I smelled a sweet scent that reminded me of a flower, but its floral essence was a cover for its bitter insides. Reaching down, my fingers brushed over a scaly creature that hissed. Instantly, it crawled inside my sleeve and wrapped around my arm. Carefully trying not to panic, I stood up and turned to Lord Kong.

"Lord Kong?"

He turned to me, "Mm?"

"Don't panic."


"I need you to pull a snake out of my sleeve. It's wrapped around me."

"What?!" I heard him taking a few quick steps toward me.

I warned him again, "I said, DON'T PANIC." Just then his footsteps came to a halt.

"Slowly, grab it's tail... and just throw it far away from us, understand?"

"O-- Okay!" I heard him slowly approach. Felt his fingers moving inside my sleeve, grabbing a hold of the snake's tail. He gripped the snake too hard that its reaction was to bite my chest!

"Ow!" I yelled. Lord Kong immediately snatched the snake away from me, and I heard its body fell on a pile of leaves far away.

Falling to the ground, I gripped the bite mark the snake left.

That hurt!

"Mingxian! Are you all right, Mingxian?" Lord Kong rushed to my side, shaking my shoulders.

"I'm okay!"

"We have to get the venom out! We have to get it out!" He yelled. Before I could stop him, he forced open my clothes, leaving the top of my chest bare to the cool air.

"Wait! Wait! What are you doing? Just wait a second!!"

He didn't. A piece of soft skin came in contact with the sensitive area on my chest. I could feel Lord Kong sucking out the blood from my wound. I wanted to die.

I could hear him spitting out the blood. His soft lips returned to remove the venom and each time I felt a surge of electricity run through my body. The tickling contact made me squeeze my hold on his arms.

Finally he said, "There's... no venom?"

In tears, I threw my fist in his direction and hit his head. He fell backwards, grunting from my attack.

"Stupid Kong Shuguang! I told you to wait!"

Letting out a cry, I pulled my clothes back together.

"If you had just waited and listened to me, I would have told you it wasn't a poisonous snake! Waaah!"

Tears rolled down my cheeks, and I didn't have the energy to get up. I put my arms around my knees and wailed like a child.

Master... I've been dishonored...

"Mingxian, I'm sorry. Please don't cry. I was worried that you were poisoned..." He tried to explain, but I didn't want to listen. My sobbing continued.

"I'll-- I'll take responsibility... I'll marry you!"

"You moron! Who said I want to marry you?!"

Every Lifetime I Fall {COMPLETED but undergoing revisions}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu