Chapter 127: Fifth Life - The Demon's Unruly Bride II

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"For the next 6 months, we are ordered to patrol the streets of capital city for any unusual demon activities. Remember the shadows are our domain. Remain undetected." A Night Raven troop leader announces to the organized rows of Night Ravens.

I peek over the shoulders of the men in front. I can't see much and panic when the men crossed their right arm over their chests saying, "The shadows are our domain!"

A few words behind, I mimic their cry, "Shadows! Domain!"

Yes, no one will be able to track me if I leave Bleak Night tonight. Concealing my identity, I dressed myself in a Night Raven uniform and followed a group of Night Ravens. It appears Night Raven troops were back at Bleak Night to be reassigned missions. Luckily, I spotted them and can use them to run away.

Before I knew it, the Night Raven guards one by one disappear in a mist of black smoke.

Have they teleported to capital city? I can't teleport! Will they figure me out?

The Night Raven Guard next to me is about to teleport out of Bleak Night. I quickly grab his shoulder and am transported with him.

"Huh?" He turns to me when we arrive in a dark part of the city.

"Thanks for the ride!" I run off in a random direction down the alley.

No joke, we are now in capital city. I never dared to venture here because it is close to my previous family's city. And if the Prime Minister happens to find me then I would immediately be put to death for evading marriage with his nephew. Or worse, be forced to marry his nephew Old Man Liu.

I've only been to the capital city on trips with my father, and was rarely allowed to go out. It is an unfamiliar area, but as long as I can hide for the time being, I can aim to survive.

Besides Yang Zi Huo himself won't want to step foot in capital city. He is a Sect Leader of Jianghu and that is enough reason for the royal family to be unwelcoming of his presence. Although I'm still not so sure what he was doing at the Prime Minister's birthday celebration all those years ago.

I run towards the busy street with music and light. Heaving, I catch my breath at the side of the road and watch people enjoy themselves with wine and conversation.

"The beauty of Whimsical Flower Pavilion is coming!" A man cries and points.

I look over with the crowd to see a lifted platform covered loosely with rosy transparent curtains.

Eight men carried the platform, parading this beauty through the street. I can faintly make out a thin person lying on top with the curtains concealing their actual appearance. A silver mask covers half the face, only the image of small lips and high bridge nose could be seen.

How is this person a beauty when we can't even see the face?

"Yueguang! Yueguang! You're so beautiful!" A man pushes past me towards the crowd accumulating to greet this beauty.

"Yueguang! Please allow me to be with you!" Another person screams.

"Yueguang! I love you!!!"

Standing outside of the sphere of influence, I observe the group of people going crazy. They really love this Yueguang beauty. Reminds me of how people in Yeguang city treats Yang Zi Huo.

The platform glides by with the crowd following, cheering endlessly. A wind blows, opening the curtain slightly. The person on the platform happens to look into the admiring large gathering, but our eyes meet. A quick flash of red flickers in the pair of eyes.

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