Chapter 71: Fourth Life - Immortal Cultivation

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"Your reading has improved greatly, but your writing still suffers." Gu Yi criticized my calligraphy as I wrote thick black lines on a piece of paper.

Annoyed, I glared at him. Finishing the sentence on the paper, I looked on proudly.

Setting down the brush, I asked, "Gu Yi, do you think Master will allow me to practice cultivation?"

"You're not a student of Sect Leader, but a maid. It may not be appropriate."

"Well, he made you teach me to read and write!" I countered.

"Yes, well because knowing how to read and write should be the fundamentals of being a human being. It can serve you in many ways. Cultivation, however, is to develop inner energy over time and elevate your mortal form. It is much harder to achieve."

"Still. I think I can do it."

Later that night, I went to Master's study to return some manuals and books back the Windy Ashes Library.


No answer.

"Master, may I come in?"

No noise from inside.

Strange... He definitely is in today.

"Excuse me..." I pushed the doors open lightly, slowly squeezing through. As I closed the doors, I looked around the room for Master.

I saw him go in here earlier.

Behind a screen to the left, the large window in the wall allowed the moonlight to paint Master's shadow onto the pale cover. Peeking behind, I saw Master lying on the daybed with his head resting on his hand. Beautifully still, Master looked calm with his eyes closed. His lashes sprawled out like two curled fans. The angle of his nose was set straight and high, and his small lips protrude out like soft rice cakes.

Thinking about food made me hungry. Since being at Bleak Night, my appetite had improved greatly and I would often make late night trips to the kitchen to nibble on snacks. It was just that in that moment, I wanted to nibble on the pink rice cakes in front of me.

I knelt down in front of Master, placing my chin into my palms and leaned in to observe Master's sleeping face. Tilting my head, I was extremely pleased to be so close to him. My face couldn't hide the smile that extended from side to side.

"Have you looked enough?" Master's soft lips mumbled. Scared that I was caught being disorderly, I stood up and held my hands together with my head low in a servant position.

Master's eyes slowly opened. Sitting up in the daybed, Master let out a sigh.

"I'm sorry, Master. I didn't mean to look at you for so long. I-- I was just checking something."

"Checking what?"

"Uhhh..." Trying to think of some excuse, I looked up to the ceiling. "Ah! You were lying so perfectly still that I was worried you'd stop breathing. Therefore, I was checking if your airways were working properly."

"You're incredibly vain," Master spat out. Feeling as though Master wasn't pleased to see me, I pulled out a letter from my sleeve.

"Master, as you know I've been working hard on reading and writing. Gu Yi said that I've improved! Take a look at my writing!" I handed the folded paper to him.

Master looked at my hand unimpressed, but nevertheless took the paper and unfolded it.

He chuckled a bit before saying, "Chicken scratch."

Damn it! It wasn't good enough to sway Master.

I bowed my head to the ground, disappointed in myself.

"If only your handwriting is as adept as your stitching."

"Master, you knew that I've been sewing your clothes?"

"Who else would do it besides you? No one dares to touch my things, but you put your stubby fingers on everything I own."

Stu-- Stubby?!

"But... I never see you wear the ones made for you."

"I didn't want to get them dirty." Master handed the paper back to me and walked off.

I was so happy to hear him say that he liked the patterns I sewed on his clothes. It made me feel useful and that I was a valued member of Bleak Night. Master sat down in his chair behind the desk.

Approaching him, I said, "Master, I have something to ask."

"Say it."

"Would it be possible for someone like me to learn cultivation and martial arts?"

"What would the use of those things be to a maid?"

His words hit like an arrow through my heart. A rising heat flooded my chest.


Master looked up at me, startled by my loud voice.

Clearing my throat, I said, "Master, you are an amazingly talented, immortal demon. How can I continue to serve you for hundreds of years when at the most I will only live up to eighty-six?"

"I can always find new servants. Don't feel pressured." Master turned his attention to his brush, dabbing it into the black ink.

My mouth dropped open for a few seconds. Shocked to hear Master's nonchalant words, the anger seeping up my throat about to lose control. He was honestly such a complicated person!

"Hmph!" I stomped out of his study, not caring that I was to help him bring the books back to the library.

"You can always find new servants? Then do everything yourself!" I muttered bitterly on my way to the kitchen.

Opening closed lids, I stuffed into my mouth wheat buns, meat dumplings, chewy rice cakes and crunchy cookies. Almost choking, I patted my chest hard and took a whisk of water from the large water jar.

"He's so annoying. Looking down on me like that. Why did I even follow him here?" Insulting Master under my breath, my anger did not disperse.

"Why are you in here stuffing your face like an angry piglet?" A voice scared me from the shadows.

Talking with a mouthful, I asked, "Whou's dhere?!"

Emerging from the corner of the room, the figure looked imposing.

"Dhe— Dhemohn!"

"It's me."

"Oh." Finally swallowing, I greeted him. "Lord Wu."

"I bet Zi Huo said something to upset you."

I pouted. "He doesn't think think I should practice cultivating or martial arts. Apparently, I'm dispensable."

"He's not... really fond of anyone."

"Only Miss Ming Yan supposedly."

Lord Wu remained quiet. Continuing to munch on my wheat bun, I handed one to him. He reluctantly accepted.

"I can teach you."

Dropping my bun, I turned to him with big eyes. Stunned by his offer, I was speechless.

"You don't want me to?" He asked.

"No! Lord Wu, it would be amazing if I could learn from you. I want to be able to protect myself and get stronger!"

"Good. We can start tomorrow at this time. Keep it a secret from your Master, okay?"


Lord Wu smiled warmly and took a bite out his wheat bun. For once, he did not appear to be senile but completely normal. And a bit handsome.

If I could learn cultivating and martial arts from Lord Wu then maybe I could learn a little more about Master. What was Master like before he became Sect Leader?

Every Lifetime I Fall {COMPLETED but undergoing revisions}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें