Chapter 100: Fifth Life - Demon Sect

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"Why can't one of your disciples go retrieve Physician Qie?"

Frustrated, I sit down in a chair, putting my right foot on my knee. We situate ourselves inside Head Physician Huang's study. Chuju stands next to me holding Fei Fei in her arms.

"Benefactor, my disciples are busy attending to the sick and injured. The demon sect is a place we shun ourselves from because of its evil energy. I leave the situation of Sect Leader Gao Yi Fei with you."

After thinking for some time, I ask, "Why aren't you Sect Leader now that Sect Leader Qie is gone?"

He grunts, "I am a mere physician who only involves oneself with practicing medicine. I know not of Jianghu's politics. I would not be a suitable fit."

"Huh. I see. Fine... I will go. However, you all owe me."

"We are indeed indebted to you." He cups his fist in my direction. "Why don't you make yourself at home before making the trip to Bleak Night?"

"Yes, I believe Chuju and I deserve a break."

The Head Physician rewards us with a fine meal. No meat at all, but delicious nonetheless. After dinner, we both are given neighboring rooms to sleep in for the night. I take a long hot bath, washing my body clean.

Chuju stands outside the doors as to wait for my orders.

"Chuju, go sleep. You must be tired."

"But... I must attend to you until you've fallen asleep."

"This is not like how we were at that She-Demon's residence. I'm no longer your master, and you are not my maidservant."

"But you'll always be my Young Miss."

It just looks like I won't be able to get through to her.

"Then you're my assistant. You have rights, and I pay you a wage. Your working hours have ended. Now you may leave."

"Oh? Okay..." I can no longer see her shadow through the paper window. Hearing the doors shut outside the bathing room, I figure she's returned to her room.

The hot water is relaxing, and I dunk my head in. The image in my mind distorts into an intimate fog.

Lu Kai's fit and lean upper body in contact with my chest. His strong, tan arms around my waist, lifting my body above the hot spring water. It's like that time when I was taken to Shui Jing Mountain.

I sit up in the tub, wiping the water from my face.

Why am I thinking about that? Is it because I have so much repressed hormones from all my past lives?

"Entering Bleak Night? I'm not scared..."

Of all places why did Ming Yan go there?

What happened to the Immortal Sects after I died? From the looks of it, all Immortal Sect Leaders have changed since then. What happened to Song Wei Long?

Well, it doesn't have anything to do with me. What matters is to bring Ming Yan to Invigorating Essence in order to revive Yi Fei.

We begin travelling north with Fei Fei accompanying. With Fei Fei there as proof of Gao Yi Fei's soul, hopefully Ming Yan'll be persuaded to return and perform the ritual.

The dark skies made for a sinister entrance to the demon sect. Two burning wells of hellfire greets us on either side of the stone path. The large brick walls meets a gate door with about twenty guards on duty. Another ten watches us from above the gate platform.

Making my observations, I mumble, "Looks like they've doubled their security in here... You can't enter nor leave."

"Young Miss, this is a scary place." Chuju slides in closer behind me. At least Head Physician Huang was smart enough to send an envoy with us, one of his disciples.

"What business do you have with Bleak Night Sect?" One of the guards in the front walks toward us. With his intimidating tone, none of us speak.

The disciple finally finds enough courage to say, "We are from Invigorating Essence. These two seek to meet with Physician Qie."

"Bleak Night isn't expecting visitors." He answers.

"Tell Physician Qie that we are here concerning Sect Leader Gao." I step out.

"And who the hell are you?"

"Me? Benefactor of Invigorating Essence, got a problem?"

"I don't care who you are." He pushes me. "No one gets through without Sect Leader Yang's permission."


"Let them through," A domineering voice defends.

"Lord-- Lord Wu." The guard shivers with fear. His eyes from before was full of scorn but now can only look at the ground.

Wu Jing walks past me, confronting the guard who bullied us. I stare at the back of his head. Much older than me now, he appears to have lived a tough life. A light rugged beard with strands of hair falling from his untidy bun.

He's wearing the black coat I made him! How I want to go back and burn everything I sewed in that miserable life.

"Follow me," He says over his shoulder.

"Benefactor, I'll wait for you out here. The unclean energy is too much for me." The disciple tells me. I nod and went on in after Wu Jing.

Bleak Night has changed so much in the last thirty-five years. The air is shaded with clouds of grey. All trees are dead and plants wilted. Dark paint adds a looming presence on the striking architecture.

"This is the medicine wing." Wu Jing stops in front of a large gates with an opened door. Looking inside, I see a tall set of stairs reaching a magnificent building at the top.

"While you're within Bleak Night, you are to follow our rules. If you do anything deemed inappropriate, I'll kill you." He warns.

Goodness, every time we meet he's always looking to kill me.

I laugh awkwardly, "You got it."

He stares at me, furrowing his eyebrows. I watch him walk away, disappearing down a path.

"Young Miss, it's so cold here. Is this really a demon sect? It's kind of scary..." Chuju, at last says something to me after Wu Jing leaves.

"Don't worry, we won't be here long."

Marching up the steps, I'm ready to meet with an old friend.


Thank you, my lovely readers for all your support. It fuels my passion for writing.

I do work full-time and write when I can because I know you are waiting.

I update 1-2 chapters weekly, but will upload more when I force my brain to squeeze out creativity.

Hey! I wanna know what happens to Rong Xin and Zi Huo too! I want to tell you all what's going to happen next.


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