Chapter 19: Second Life - I Want to See You

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Kong Shuguang brought another clay bowl with the same earthy aroma. Not looking forward to it. Taking the bowl to my nose, it had a weird lingering smell of rust.

"Kong Shuguang, did you put something weird in here? It smells different."

"You really have a good nose... I just added a hint of iron."


"You've been looking rather pale, so I added that to balance your diet. Do you not like the food here?"

"The food is okay... I just haven't had much of an appetite."

"You've been busy, I heard," he said.


"Ever since helping out the Madam of Qian Manor, you'd been getting lots of patients come by."

I smiled proudly, "That's because I'm a very good physician."

"Yes, you are... a very violent one too."


"I heard someone said you trashed the clinic of the doctor in the city for giving out false diagnosis. Something along the lines of not taking women's pain seriously and being a quack."

"Did that little student come running to you?"

Damn! Chu Chu cannot keep a secret. She's too scared of Kong Shuguang.

"She didn't have to. It's all over the city and inside Invigorating Essence."

"Well... do you think I was out of line?"

"Not at all. I admire you for putting him in his place."

Hahaha. Well, of course. I should do what I need to.

"Kong Shuguang, is there a reason why you don't treat female patients? Is it because you're too handsome?"

I'd been meaning to ask him that. Just why did he not treat female patients?

"Who told you I was handsome..." he said quietly. Was he getting shy from my comment?

Rolling my eyes, I said, "Oh please, like you don't know. Now tell me why you don't treat female patients."

"It's not that I don't want to. It's just that I'd rather avoid issues that come about when I do treat female patients."

"So is it true that you had to beg for forgiveness when a certain Lord's wife fell for your charms?"

"Beg for forgiveness? No, that was a misunderstanding, although true that she became obsessed with me and followed me everywhere. Did that spread all the way to your village??"

"Haha, yeah. You're too pretty for your own good. I guess it's a good thing I can't see or else I'd probably become one of those foolish women."


The next day, I awoke to block the sun shining through the window with my hands. It was my first time seeing light. It was so bright that by closing my eyes, the darkness felt like a soothing remedy. I quickly wrapped a cloth around my eyes to block out the brightness of the room. I saw colors, all different and contrasting one another. Which was blue, pink, red, or black?

I made my way around the room, feeling each object I could put my hands on.

So this is a pen, this is an ink block, this is the door handle!

My vision was not the best, but I could make out the outlining shape of most things. For some reason, the first person I wanted to see was Kong Shuguang.

Heading out the doors, I didn't bring my stick with. It was overwhelming to see everything all at once. I finally saw the blue sky for the first time. My first few attempts to locate Kong Shuguang failed. My eyesight was causing my sense of direction to become muddled. Once in the darkness through closing my eyes, I felt more in control. Feeling my way around, I stumbled into Kong Shuguang's room.

"Kong Shuguang! I can finally see!" I yelled out with delight. Opening my eyes, I realized I was not in Kong Shuguang's room, but Tian Guang Hall. My nose betrayed me again. However, there was another person in the room. Tall and graceful. I could not tell who he was.

"Mingxian, you cannot be in here."

"Kong Shuguang? Is that you?" I placed two hands on his face when he got close. Flawless and smooth, I rubbed his cheeks with my thumbs.

"You can see me?"

"Just a little. It's a bit hazy still."

"It really worked?"

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