Chapter 72: Fourth Life - Late Blossoms

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"Your inner powers are minimal. To activate it while meditating you must focus on the essence it radiates." Lord Wu stood in front of me, giving me instructions on cultivation.

"Okay." I nodded and closed my eyes.

Sitting with my legs crossed in the pavilion overlooking the Dark Fall Lake, I tried to find that essence within me. It was like chasing a floating string through a maze. Too hard to mentally grasp.

My eyebrows wrinkled together, and I could hear Lord Wu lecturing me again.

"Don't become stressed. If your essence does not make itself apparent, don't force it."

Nodding, I tried to relax my face.

In the corner of my mind, in the darkness of space, I saw something in the distance. Lightly glowing and then fading into the dark, the being emitted a pale peach glimmer. Nearing the cloud-like energy, I imagined my hand going through. Soon the warmth of the pale shade enveloped my body. A surge of tightness held my eyes shut.

I could faintly hear Lord Wu exclaimed, "You did it! I can see your aura."

Carefully opening my eyes, I felt calm and accomplished. Jumping up to Lord Wu's side, I cheered and smiled with him.

"Thank you so much, Lord Wu! After weeks of practicing, I'm finally able to cultivate properly!"

"You're a quick learner."

"Still the life essence pills you gifted me helped a lot."

Without thinking, I placed my hand around his, holding it gently. "Lord Wu, if there is anything I can do for you, please let me know. I want to repay you for all that you've done to help me."

"Uh... Let's just say I'm repaying a debt."

Confused, I let go of his hand. "What do you mean repaying a debt? You don't owe me anything."

"Then I'm just helping out a friend."

"Lord Wu... are you saying we're friends?"


No way! Friends with Lord Wu the Captain of the Night Ravens?! That's insane! But so cool!

Jumping up and down, I grabbed both of his hands and happily expressed my excitement.

"I love it! I love being your friend!"

I finally have a friend!

"Haha. Okay, okay." Lord Wu was awkwardly stiff while I pulled him and danced around the pavilion.

The next morning, Master asked for me to bring him some desserts from the kitchen. He never ate, so I thought it was odd. Even so, I gathered a few sweets and organized them neatly onto a plate. Covering them with a ceramic lid, I walked over to Master's study.

The two guards let me in, and I went right over to Master's desk. Placing the desserts down, I opened the lid and set it aside.

Master didn't even look at me and said, "You haven't said a word to me in awhile."

"I haven't?"

Straightening his posture, he turned to me. "Perhaps I've said something to make you upset. Sit down."

I noticed a chair behind me. Master must have moved it from the corner of the room to the edge of his desk. Doing as he ordered, I sat down but felt gravity removing itself from me as to say it was unnatural to do this!

"Master... Did I do something wrong?" I leaned forward to decipher his facial expressions.

"Eat." He turned the page of his manuscript.

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