Chapter 141: YZH IX

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Immediately teleporting back to Bleak Night, the light shining in front of the Hall of Blue Flames is overpowering. The sky is raining, not with the lightness of water but with the intention to end life. Transparent ghost swords fall to the ground, penetrating anyone without shelter.

Just who is this strong to command the Meteor Sword?!

The groups of Immortal Sects form shields of protection with their powers. As the swords keep on falling, their strength to uphold the power shields decrease, and their faces distorts into expressions of helplessness.

I finally see her.

She wields the Meteor Sword in hand, pointing it at the skies. Her eyes entranced and her body succumbing to perform this unknown power.

It's Rong Xin! She's the one controlling the Meteor Sword with such powers?!

I run to her.

Placing my hands on her shoulders, I lightly shake. "Rong Xin, are you all right?! Rong Xin, what's wrong?!"

She doesn't respond and her lifeless eyes frighten me. 

"It's not safe. You can't be here, Lu Kai," her mouth moves but her face remains blank.

"What-- What? Rong Xin, snap out of it!"

"Bleak Night is not safe."

Her body immediately glows as bright as the sun. The warmth from her suddenly burns intensely, but I couldn't let go. Embracing her, I just wish that everything will stop.

Opening my eyes, I notice the familiar land of the forgotten.

Rong Xin, why did you bring me here?

It is the battlefield of forgotten warriors. Rong Xin is unconscious in my arms. I wipe the blood stain on the side of her mouth. Setting her down gently, I stand and turn to face the Immortal Sect Leaders who telepored along with Rong Xin and I.

"Master..." I hear Rong Xin's soft call.

I don't turn to her. At the moment, Wei Long needs to die. "Wei Long... I wouldn't have thought for you to team up with Wicked Mist just to bring me down. You really are shameless."

"If I can serve the world by getting rid of you then this minor partnership with Wicked Mist was a well-intended sacrifice."

"You won't live long enough to have another chance."

I wait for Wei Long to attack with his sword. My inner powers have been able to regenerate just a bit. It is not going to be a simple fight to the death, but I'm not worried.

As we fight and counter with our swords, four Immortal Sect Leaders teleport onto the battlefield, each casting a golden rope in my direction. The magical ropes bound my limbs, paralyzing me.

Song Wei Long yells, "You won't be able to break out from Heaven's Gripping Will. You will pay with your life."

"You really think you can defeat me? Not even your father was able to kill me, and he was much stronger than you," I retaliate.

The Immortal sect leaders stretch the golden ropes tightly, squeezing me as I try to hold my ground.

To the others Wei Long ordered, "Everyone conjure Unity Light Blow like how we practiced. Although there are only five of us, we can overtake the injured demon with it." Taking a look at me with a confident smirk, Wei Long taunts, "Not only will I end your life on behalf of my father, but do the world a favor by getting rid of you, Blue Fire Demon."

Unable to accept defeat, I pull in two of the Sect Leaders with my grip, dropping my sword to the ground. My burning palms fiercely spreads flames along the magical ropes. It turned swiftly into ashes as the fire reached the hands of the two sect leaders. Afraid of being burned by the blue flames, the two sect leaders release the rope.

"Quickly, focus on the formation of Unity Light Blow!" Wei Long commands. His hands together conjuring a white light of energy. The two others does as he ordered and fold their hands together, fingers articulated with poise. The circle of Immortal Sect Leaders' white light of energy met with Wei Long.

Is this really going to be the end? Will I never see her again in this lifetime? I failed to protect her.

"Go to hell, Yang Zi Huo!" Wei Long yell before blasting me with a surge of white light.

Only the blast never makes it to me. 

I see her meek body running out in front. 

"Rong Xin!" I cry out. "Stop!"

Her eyes rolled backwards as her body contorts stiffly. The light of the Unity Light Blow is ending her life right in front of me.


My mind is becoming unstable. Sudden images paints beautiful stories that pains my heart. 


"Lu Kai? Isn't that too masculine for a delicate thing like you?"

"It's the name my mother gave me, so I like it."


"Do not follow me to Crimson Snow Valley, if you wish to live. This is my last act of mercy towards you as I've watched you grow over the years. From now on, I don't know you, and you don't owe me."


"Why don't you just... marry me?"


"How am I supposed to live on without you? You are everything to me... my light." 


"What is?"

"You are my light as well." 

"Na Li... Please don't leave me."

"I'm right here. I'll always be right here."

"I-- I love you."

"I know. You must... You must live on. I won't forgive you if I die for nothing, Xiao Kai. As long as you have the Star Gem, I will find my way back to you."

"Then I will wait for you to come back to me."


No. Why? Why? Why are these memories coming back? Coming at the moment when I am so helpless? So helpless to save her. To once again have her perish right in front of my eyes. Luo Na Li, you really came back for me. This pain... is unbearable. How could I have lived all these years without the grief and not once did I stop to miss you? Am I paying for all of it now? Just to have these memories come back as you are leaving me again?

Finally without restraints, I drag myself over to Rong Xin's body, grabbing her, holding her in my arms. This pain inside my chest, it makes me want to die.

"No... No... Rong Xin, wake up," I plead but her eyes... won't open. "We still have to watch the fireworks, don't we?"

"Rong Xin, Na Li Jie, I promise I'll be better, ah? Please don't leave me again."

"You can't do this to me! You can't do this! You... Why are you punishing me?"

The Heavens, fate, and the universe in ensemble must be playing with me. 

Like three hundred years ago, I cannot stop the tears nor the voice of anguish. She was right here with me and now she has departed. 

She will never forgive me, right? 

I never really deserved her. 

Every Lifetime I Fall {COMPLETED but undergoing revisions}Where stories live. Discover now