Chapter 124: Fifth Life - Skin to Skin (Waited for Your Touch)

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"I would have killed him if you let me." Yang Zi Huo spits out venom with his words as he lands.

I'm annoyed at his anger. "Pfft. Why are you acting like you haven't had a wedding of your own before?"

"I've never had a wedding."

"What? Forgotten about it? Didn't you almost get marry like... almost three-hundred years ago?"

"What are you talking--" He freezes. His neck is pulled back as he looks up at the sky. "You mean with Xiao Feng?"

"Hmph." I cross my arms and make a mad face with protruding lips.

"That... I was stupid. I thought it was what you wanted for me. I proposed to her because you told me to."

"How stupid are you?!" I yell.

Yang Zi Huo had teleported us to a beautiful villa built on the side of a mountain with a snowy lavender peak. I find the place familiar, although the entire villa is huge and new.

It's Shui Jing Mountain.

"Just... stay here for the time being. Do not go anywhere." Yang Zi Huo warns as he walks past. The smell of sugar cane brushes by with him.

He leaves me by myself.

"I feel hot... so hot." Inside the villa, I find a large room with a similar bed to the one I've slept in before. The silky one with transparent golden curtains hanging down elegantly from the ceiling.

Lying down, I can't get comfortable and feel this intense burning all over.

"Too many layers..." I rip off the layers of red cloth, throwing them to the ground. Only a robe of silky red covers my white underclothes.

I could feel the sweat covering my face and neck. Wiping the sweat off, I'm surprised to find blood on my hands.

On the left side of a my neck, I realize a needle had left a scratch when Old Man Scholar attacked. It isn't a big wound, so I'm not worried. But the heat of this mountain is really getting to me.

"Wait a minute. Yang Zi Huo is basically a block of ice. I need to find him."

Yes, I can use his cold body finally.

I venture out into the outdoor hallway and back to the living hall. Following the way where Yang Zi Huo disappeared, I find a different room filled with books. Must be his study here at Shui Jing Mountain. A painting has been ripped off the rocky wall. I stand in front of the barren area, and the wall crumbles, splitting for a walkway into a cave. The crystals beam brightly, inviting me in.

I'm a bit hesitant. I hate walking into dark places like caves. But could Yang Zi Huo be in here?

Entering, I remember where this place led to. The room with the starry night sky. The cool temperature inside the cave is also very pleasing but not enough to stop my sweating.

The cave is really empty with nothing where the kitchen used to be. I see the opening to the starry room, and discover Yang Zi Huo meditating on the plushy daybed.

Ignoring his concentration, I head over and climb on the bed, placing my arms around his waist and resting my head on his back.

"Ah, that feels better."

Still meditating with eyes closed, he asks, "What are you doing?"

"It's so hot here. I need something cold to feel satisfied."

"The temperature here at Shui Jing Mountain is fine. Your body is hot because it has been poisoned with the needles that Old Fool Liu used."

"What?! What poison?!" I panic.

He turns around showing me a few needles in his hands. "They're not deadly. Don't worry."

"Oh my, God! How many are there? Where did they come from?"

Yang Zi Huo hides the needles from me, making them turn into blue sparks as he tosses them into the distance.

"I was careless and a few punctured my arm."

"If they're poisoned needles, and I feel so terrible right now, aren't you on the verge of dying?"

"I said they're not deadly but the toxin is very uncomfortable at the moment, I just need the night to overcome it. You will be fine."

"What is the toxin?"

He doesn't respond.

"So?" I ask again.

"It's a type of aphrodisiac."

I gasp, "I can't believe it! That Old Man Liu was going to poison me with aphrodisiac!"

I let out my muffled screams into Yang Zi Huo's back by burrowing in close.

Yang Zi Huo peels me off him like a disgusting thing.

"I want to kill him myself, but I won't. There are no more second chances however. Should he pull this stunt again, I will not spare him."

I stare at his side profile. That long, accentuated nose, those alluring lips, those judgmental eyebrows, and ocean eyes.

I crawl over to his side and sit. Gazing into his eyes, I proposition an absolutely insane idea.

"Hey, Yang Zi Huo. Why don't we give into the poison just this one time?"

He moves away with his voice shaking. "What are you talking about?"

"I mean you help me and I help you. It's a give and take."

"I-- I can't."

"Come on. Kiss me. Do it and see the aphrodisiac wear off."

He slides his hand around my waist, pulling me underneath his weight as he lies atop whispering, "Don't tempt me, Li Rong Xin."

I almost want to back out. But he is so hot right now, my mind is fearless.

His finger brushes the hair away from my face. "You don't know what you're getting yourself into. If we do this, you can't back out. Forever."

I don't pay attention to his words but only his lips. They were right in front of my eyes appearing juicy and sweet. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I pull him close feeling the rough collision of our lips. His cool skin feels liberating against mine but soon that wasn't the only pleasure drowning us into the night.


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