Chapter 154: KSG VI

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I awake feeling weak, my head heavy against the soft pillow.

Months of withholding sleep and continuously draining my body of blood has finally caught up with me.

I can only think to see Mingxian.

I sit up on the bed, throwing the covers off. I start putting on my shoes when Xiao Xi tries to stop me.

"Lord Kong! Where are you going? You need to rest."

"I need to see Mingxian. Her body is not well. I must transfer my inner energy to her once again."

"You mustn't!"

I don't listen to him and stand up to leave. My legs cannot withstand my weight, and I fall to the ground. Xiao Xi runs to me, pulling me up.

"Lord Kong, you must take care of your own health before caring for others!"

"I'm fine. I just... wanted to bring Mingxian some porridge. She hasn't been eating much these days."

A young girl's voice yells from outside my chamber doors. "Lord Kong! Are you well? This is Xiao Chu. I need to talk to you."

"Please excuse me, Lord Kong." Xiao Xi rushes out the door, slamming it shut.

I hear their loud whispering as I slowly make my way to them.

"What are you doing? I told you not to disturb Lord Kong," Xiao Xi angrily says.

Xiao Chu cries, "But-- But what about Miss Mingxian?"

Mingxian?! What's going on?

"That is something Lord Kong does not need to know right now. He needs to recover from his illness."

I push open the doors, my eyes shaking with nervousness. "What's wrong? Where's Mingxian?"

"Lord Kong!" Xiao Chu turns to me.

"My lord, Sect Leader Qie has said--"

"Silence." I glare at Xiao Xi who shuts his mouth instantly.

To Xiao Chu, I say, "Where is Mingxian? What's the matter?"

She starts to whimper as she tells me, "Miss Mingxian heard Lord Kong's conversation with Sect Leader Qie yesterday. She believes Lord Kong and Invigorating Essence have ill will towards her, using her as a medical experiment. She-- She left Invigorating Essence, I tried to stop her! She looked so weak and pale... I'm worried..."

Mingxian, she really thinks I'm using her? That was never my intention. I-- I'm willing I'm sacrifce all my immortal blood to her. I would never want to hurt her.

Not wasting any time, I force my way to the stables and ride our fastest horse to find Mingxian.

I travel to Teacher Lu's clinic. That must be where she went. It is a long distance from Invigorating Essence, but without delay I did not stop to rest.

I essentially jump off the powerful steed upon reaching the clinic.

I run inside seeing no one. The clinic looks so empty.

"Mingxian! Mingxian!"

"Lord Kong?" Xiao Wei comes out from behind the curtains.

I grab his shoulders. "Where is Mingxian? Is she with Teacher Lu?"

He is frightened by my aggressiveness. I let go of him, waiting to hear what he has to say.

"Lord Kong, you don't look well."

"Nevermind that. Where is Mingxian?"

"She was here just a moment ago. She left to go pay respects to our Master. He passed away not too long ago."

"Teacher Lu passed away?"

"He didn't want to send the news to Invigorating Essence..."

"Where is his resting place?"

"The overlook west of the mountain. Lord Kong, Mingxian is pale and looks sickly. Please have a look at her."

"All right. Thank you." I bow and step out the door.

Running up the path, I don't stop to take a breath. My chest feels tight and my heart beating unsteadily. I remember that place well. Mingxian's favorite place on Tie Qing Mountain.

"Mingxian?" I finally see her. Kneeling in front of a burial mound. She was tracing her fingers along the writings on the gravestone.

"What are you doing here?" She doesn't look at me. Her voice is indifferent and her aura cold.

"Mingxian, I'm really sorry about Teacher Lu. I had no idea..."

"What else are you sorry about?"'

I hesitate to approach her. Slowly taking a step, I say, "Xiao Chu told me you overheard my conversation with Sect Leader Qie. Please don't misunderstand. I would never do anything to hurt you."

"Then answer me... did you experiment drugs on me to use on Gao Yi Fei? To revive her?"

"I only experimented on medicine to treat your eyes, never to use you for Gao Yi Fei."

"I don't trust you... because I'm dying." She forces a smile as blood drips from the corner of her mouth. 

I sprint to her side, holding her frail body in my arms. "Mingxian, we have to take you back to Invigorating Essence Sect!"

"I don't want to go back there."

"Mingxian, please."

I don't want to lose you.

"Kong Shuguang, I don't want to argue with you. Even with your skills as the Prince of Medicine, you cannot save me."


"I want to see the sunset for the first time... and the last time," she tells me.

I don't want to admit it. That this will be the end.

I carry Mingxian in my arms and sit us down to face the sun setting in the distance. Holding her, I brush my face along her hair, huddling in close. I did not fear the improriety as I normally would. In my mind, Mingxian is already my person, my whole heart.

"Kong Shuguang... I understand why you did it. I, myself, would do anything to save the person I love."

You are... the person I love.

"You found a poor blind village girl like me and thought no one would miss me if I died from your experiments, right?"

I whisper, "No."

"I hope you will be haunted by my death until the day you die." She laughs softly at her words, but I know her heart is bitter.

She turns around to look into my eyes. Observing my face, her eyes are allured to view every part.

Mingxian smiles. Her fingers tickle my cheek and she says, "You really are beautiful... Wu Yi Huai."

Wu Yi Huai?

Closing her eyes, her hand falls to the side. Her body is no longer constrained to function, she is finally at peace now.

"Mingxian... I'm so sorry. Mingxian, I've always loved you. From the moment I met you, I've loved you."

She is gone due to my ambitions. I failed her, and she died knowing I'm to blame. I can never ask for forgiveness. In the next lifetime, I wish I could see her again and pay my debt.

The tears flow down my face and fall onto hers. I really cherish her with every part of my being but in the end my own immortal blood cured her eyes yet took her life.

Mingxian, I don't wish to live like this. If I wasn't so adamant on curing your eyes, we would have lived well, right? I will atone for my sins and meet you in the afterlife.

Every Lifetime I Fall {COMPLETED but undergoing revisions}Where stories live. Discover now