Chapter 92: The Mortal Realm: True Love Essence

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As a spirit wandering among humans, it's an entirely different and refreshing state of existence.

I place the crystal-like vessel into the gap between my pale dressy robes and clothed belt. It stay snuggled tightly as I float around.

Sharp is a strange one. Just what does he plan to do with these essences? Hopefully, nothing diabolical.

I don't care either way as long as I get the Memory Preserver.

I've never actually floated before nor walk through humans. Floating is as tiring as walking, I'm just not used to it. Approaching Pingfan village, my body went straight through the villagers and they would shiver chillingly.


It's so funny to watch them freak out. Once the hair on the back of their necks begin to stand, they would look around as if a ghost was watching their every move. And they are right to do so. I'm watching them.

Floating back to the small home I shared with my family, I'm expecting a outpour of mourning. It's been months since I've died, I'm sure they've heard the news.

Only what I find isn't a home in mourning but in celebration. I watch Chun Mei happily holding a bundle of wrapped cloth with Mother and Father huddling around her.

"What is that? A baby?" I mutter out. They couldn't hear me or see me, so my words doesn't reach them. Even if they did, their eyes and ears would have been on this little human who has just began it's new life.

Looking at the smiles on all of them, I feel my heart disarm and become at ease. I guess a little part of me is happy that they're happy. However a bitter cloud formed within. How could they not be upset that I've died? After all they're the ones that transpired my road to an early death.

"Chun Mei." I turn around to see a excited Ying Jun in the doorway. He hurriedly walks over to the crowd, passing right through my transparent body. His one second of warmth caught me off guard, and I shiver. Always walking by like I was air. Such arrogance as usual.

That child must be Chun Mei and Ying Jun's... they must have wedded right after I left the village.

"Look at him. He looks just like his father," Mother whispers lovingly while patting the child's face.

"He does!" Father added.

"That chubby face... looks nothing like Ying Jun," I say as I observe the face of the child.

"Mother. Father." A young man with a chiseled face and large arms enter through the home. He is that poor farmer Xia Meng!

"Oh, son!" Father greets him and pulls him to the crowd. Xia Meng stands closely next to Chun Mei. He looks at the child with a goofy face and smiles. Ying Jin stood to the side with an obviously hurt expression. I've seen that expression before. I used to be like that with him and Chun Mei when I was still a poor reincarnation of myself.

"Chun Mei, did you marry Xia Meng? Not Ying Jun? You did well!" I loudly exclaim.

Not like they could hear me, but I was glad that she did not marry Ying Jun. A merciless fool who would anything to justify his ambitions. Such as using me for demon sacrifice. I still hate him.

I remembered Xia Meng just briefly. He was a poor farmer but had living parents, even a living grandfather. So in that sense, he was wealthier than me. We did grow up together, but he didn't talk a lot. He worked diligently and restlessly in the fields. Even on leisure days like the festivals, he would be helping his mother with a food stall.

I think I know why Chun Mei liked him. He is just an honest, good man.

"Hey. Don't you guys know that I'm dead?" I wave in their faces. "I said I'm dead! I'm a ghost!"

No reaction. They're completely unaware. No one from Bleak Night sent news??

"I wish Rong Xin Jiejie can see him. My little potato." Chun Mei lightly pecks the big forehead on the child.

"I see him clearly."

Chun Mei turned to Mother and Father asking, "Why did brother-in-law come without her?"


Both Mother and Father froze. They stare at each other before looking to the ground.

"Chun Mei... maybe he just wanted to visit without her."

"But it's weird, isn't it? She didn't even come to my wedding. Nor did she come when I first gave birth. No matter how bitter she is with me, she wouldn't ignore everything happening to her family."

Did that stinking demon come to Pingfan village? He came and he didn't tell my family that I had died? Is he some sort of psychotic loser taking joy in my death?!

"I did think it was odd. He didn't remember me," Father says.

Mother comforts Father, "Well, he just met us once, and it wasn't under the best circumstances, dear..."

"He looked trouble. Wouldn't stay for dinner and just left. I still had so many questions about Rong Xin." Chun Mei pouts.

Chun Mei is still so innocently naive. Much of that is our fault. We've sheltered her. Guess no one has told her that I had actually left to join Bleak Night. And that I wasn't living well with a family of my own. No. I'm now a ghost floating around her.

It doesn't look like Mother and Father were notified of my death. Mother would have been emotionally unwell much like the day of my wedding where I was going to be sacrificed. Although Father could compose himself much better than Mother, he would have at least tried to send me off with a small ceremony. He knew the truth. That I wasn't married off. I just left. If he and Mother didn't send me off into the afterlife then no one would.

However, I've grown curious. This brother-in-law apparently made a visit to Pingfan but made no means to let my family know of my death. What was his purpose for coming here and leaving without the decency to let my family be aware? He's annoying even beyond the grave!

Little ghost me will have to pay that big demon a visit.

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