Chapter 110: Fifth Life - Your Eyes Reveals Longing

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"Hey! Yang Zi Huo, my arm is broken not my legs," I yell at him while he carried me in his arms.

We are stepping through the gates of Bleak Night at this very moment. Each of his followers greet him with their heads bowing, but their faces display confusion.

I try hiding my face behind my left hand. "I'm so embarrassed. Everyone is watching."

"Let them," he says without much compassion.

Approaching the medicine wing, we come across the hundred set of stairs.

"Let me down. I can walk from here."

"It's fine." He reassures me.

Up the stairs, he goes up step by step. Securing me with his strength, he doesn't break a sweat nor does his breathing ever get short-winded.

We reach the top, and I immediately request, "Okay, let me down now."

He doesn't answer and carries me inside the medicine wing.

"Zi Huo!" Ming Yan calls him affectionately. She realizes that I'm the injured patient Yang Zi Huo is carrying. She stares at me and then back at him.

"Her arm has dislocated. On the way here, I was able to maneuver it back into the socket. Please give her some pain killing medicine, and mend the broken areas," he tells her.

"Ah, I see. Are her legs all right?" She asks pointing.

"Haha! My legs are fine! Just fine!" Whispering to Yang Zi Huo, I sneer, "Put me down, NOW."

He releases me gently, placing my feet on the ground. I shake away, taking a few steps from him.

"Miss Yuxing, please follow me this way." Ming Yan gestures to the inner room, covered by a panel.

Zi Huo says, "Ming Yan, take care of her. I have to find out who it is that sent those demons after us."

"You think it was Wicked Mist?" She wonders.

"Possibly. Yuxing, stay here for awhile. It's not safe for you to return to Xuehua. I've sent Night Raven guards to protect Chuju."

"Ah... Wait! Ming Yan, earlier Yang Zi Huo was hit by a Rock Demon. Can you check if he's all right? Hopefully, his organs are intact?"

Yang Zi Huo grins. "Worried about me?"

"Tsk! I'm just worried my head will be on the execution block if anyone finds out I caused you to become injured."

"I'm fine." His curled fingers wraps around mine and squeezes. "Ming Yan, look after her."

She nods.

He leaves out the doors, and Ming Yan ushers me to the back.

I sit on the cushioned chair. She helps my put my weakened arm on the table. Applying her inner powers to the arm, she is able transmit a healing aura throughout my body.

"I've helped reformed the bones back in its place. You feel some sensitivity but will not feel much pain. I will wrap your arm in bandages and keep it in place until it heals."

"Much thanks." I grimace when she starts to undress my robes. Her hands are gentle and quick. Looks like she's had much practice before. 

As she tightens the bandages, I'm reminded of the time when I helped her with her wounds when Invigorating Essence was invaded by Wicked Mist. We were becoming friends then, now I'm not sure what we are to one another.

She helps me put my robes back on. After the bandaging, she uses a long wooden plate to stabilize the arm. Tying a cloth string around the back of my neck attaching to the cast, I question, "Why did you tell Yang Zi Huo about my soul?" 

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