Chapter 165: Eternal Millennium of Cosmic Dusk

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It's dark.

And so cold.

How long have I been drifting?

I'm suddenly alive?

Is there anyone else out there?

Nothing but darkness. I can't move.

I'm not scared. I feel... lonely?

I'm used to the dark.

I hope I have enough control over my form to move freely soon. I want to interact with other beings. Am I the only thing in existence here?

What's this glow in the distance?

Wow! You're blinding!

You're... captivating.

Do you think it would be possible for me to stay here with you? Just for awhile? I promise I won't be a bother.

Can you speak?

I see you're not conscious...

I'll keep you company until you wake up.

I don't know much about anything. I was born from nothing. I hope to learn as much as I can about this world.

I'm glad you're here. I can live here with you forever. You're... quite beautiful, and you keep me warm. I never want to drift away.

Did you see that?! It just went flying by. Wow, there's so many things around here. What are those things sparkling around us?

They're pretty... Not as pretty as you though.

And there! They look like me, but they aren't anything like me. So lifeless.

Say what would be the first thing you'd want to do once you wake up?

I'll... be the first thing you see.

I feel strange.

There's this tightness inside me that squeezes when I think of you.

Do you feel it too? You probably don't, I mean you don't even know I'm here.

What's wrong? Why are you fading?

I'm getting cold. It's too dark. I can't see you.

Come back!

I'm scared...

I don't wish to be alone again.

Why are you leaving?

I want to be with you.

Please... I feel something... it hurts. I'm scared of this feeling.

It hurts to see your light go out.

Please don't go.

Don't push me away!

I-- I can't see where I'm going.

I'm being burned, it's so painful. My body is breaking apart.

What is this place? These lights in this strange place... they're polluting every crevices of my bones.

I don't want to be here.

I don't live in a world without you in it.

I cannot live in a world where I can't be with you.

I cannot live.

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