Chapter 101: Fifth Life - The Face of a Stranger

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Reaching the top of the stairs, I wheeze wildly trying to catch my breath.

"I... really need to work out more."

Chuju patiently followed me up the stairs. In fact she had walked up halfway and waited for me to catch up. Her endurance is much better than mine.

Because of the Memory Preserver my body cannot withstand much exercise and takes even longer to cultivate. I've tried numerous times to increase my skills in martial arts to meet the capacity of Luo Na Li. It's embarrassing to say that I can't even muster enough cultivation comparable to Li Rong Xin.

Chuju warns me, "Just take it easy, Young Miss."

I snap at her. "From now on call me Yuxing."

"Yu Xing Young Miss?"

"I don't like the name Xiao Tong. I want to be called Yu Xing. Yu as in Rain and Xing as in Star. I like that better."

"I see. It's a good name."

We step inside the large opening to a medicinal hall. In the back are hundreds of medicine drawers and bookshelves holding the secrets to probably eternal life.

"Can I help you?" A young boy carrying a tray of dried medical herbs comes in from behind.

Ah... I remember doing this for my Master so many lifetimes ago.

I tell him, "We're here to meet with Physician Qie. It's important."

"Physician Qie is attending to Sect Leader Yang at the moment."

Oh! Really?! I'm dead and suddenly those two have become so cozy with one another? Wasn't she obsessed with her childhood friend Song Wei Long? Guess now that we're both out of the picture, they can finally be together.

"Tell her it's important. It concerns the last remaining soul fragment of Sect Leader Gao Yi Fei." Before I could hound the disciple with swears, Chuju authoritatively pushed him with domineering volume.

His eyes grew big and he says, "Please wait here."

After he scurries off like a scared puppy, I turn to Chuju. "I've taught you well."

She laughs, "Well, he looked like the only one here I can actually boss around."

I sit down, grabbing a peach from the nearby dish and taking a bite. I'm quite hungry from all the traveling. Chuju decides to let Fei Fei down to wander. She doesn't go far and falters into a good napping place right on the cushion of the chair next to me.

"Greetings," a stern voice of a female finally breaks the silence.

I stand up, face to face with Ming Yan, the once kind beauty whom I befriended.

"Greetings, Physician Qie."

"How did you know about Sect Leader Gao's predicament?" She walks past us toward the chair behind her ivory desk.

The flowing white gown of hers smell like sweetness. It has the lingering smell of that demon.

I scoff inside my head. Just what were they doing? Embracing one another until one of them had to be pulled away?

"I'm not here to tell you how I know. I'm here to tell you that I've found her lost soul fragment. You're the only one who can revive her, so once you do I'll take my leave."

She breathes through her nose with impatience. Her cultivation has improved over the years. She still has a beautiful and youthful face. Her long black hair decorated with white feathers and silver accessories.

"Where is it?" She asks.

"The soul piece? Why right here." I grab Fei Fei from the chair and place her on Ming Yan's desk.

Startled by the furry creature, Ming Yan  hesitate to touch it.

"Head Physician Huang was able to detect Sect Leader Gao's soul essence. You should give it a try," I coax.

She use her fingers to touch Fei Fei's back. Her eyes widen from the obvious discovery. "It's her soul. A pure energy of divinity. Never would I have thought she could ever be revived. Now there's a chance!"

"See? Okay, let's go." I headed for the door.



"How did you find her soul? Why is it in this cat?"

I cluck my tongue. "You... ask too many questions. Tell you what. If you successfully revive Gao Yi Fei, I'll tell you."

"Why are you being secretive about it?"

"I don't want to violate your Sect Leader Gao's privacy. Once she awakens, you can ask her too."

Ming Yan fumes quietly, staring at me as she ponders what to do. She doesn't trust me, even though the entirety of Invigorating Essence seems to.

"I can perform the Soul Harmony Summoning. But it won't be easy. Let's leave now."

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