Chapter 32: Third Life - Haunted and Hunted

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"How's your wound?" Senior Yue asked as she observed the physician carry out a blood stained tub of water.

Sitting on my bed with a pale face, I tried to play it off like I wasn't in pain. The stab wound to my heart wasn't deep at all, so I would heal in a couple of weeks, but it was quite painful to move.

"It's nothing," I said while wincing as I pulled the blanket covers over my legs.

She scoffed, "You're always like this. Acting tough."

"Should I be crying and screaming for you to comfort me?" I laughed.

"Not me. Her." Senior Yue pointed to the door.


"Someone has been outside waiting all this time while you got treatment. Your little student."

"As if."

"Come on. Just let her come see you for a bit." Senior Yue was asking me to be nice, which I had a hard time doing naturally.

"Fine... You, outside! Come in here!" I yelled.

A small figure came in with teary eyes, holding a plate of cold pancakes. She set the food on the table where Senior Yue was sitting and came to my side.

"Senior Luo, are you badly hurt?" She mumbled quietly.

"I'm not."

"That's a relief. That's good."

"Tsk. You do know that I eat other things besides pancake, right? Why do you always make that?"

"Then what would Senior Luo like to eat? I can learn to make it for you!"

"No need! Don't bother yourself. I can feed myself, okay? You... just focus on training."


Revealing my secret habit, Senior Yue said, "Senior Luo has a sweet tooth. She always carry around a bag of caramelized candy."

"Hey... don't go around telling people unnecessary stuff..." I argued.

Senior Yue laughed, and then asked, "Did the mission go as planned?"

Back to the seriousness of the matter, the thoughts of Crimson Snow Valley not being the honorable sect as I had always envisioned polluted my faith. I was starting to doubt the sincerity of Master. But I'd have to investigate before ousting myself or else I could end up being the one they sent people after.

"Mmm," I confirmed.

"Good. While you heal, I'll let Sect Leader know. I'll be going now." Senior Yue left the room, leaving the child and I alone.

"You can leave now," I said awkwardly. I didn't know what to say to her nor make small talk. Wasn't entirely interested in being anyone's friend, so I dismissed her.

"Senior Luo, can I stay tonight? I'll just keep watch over you for a while."

"Hey, little girl. I'm not some elderly patient. You don't have to keep watch."

"I know! I just want to... and my name isn't 'little girl.' It's Lu Kai."

"Lu Kai? Isn't that too masculine for a delicate thing like you?"

"It's the name my mother gave me, so I like it," she pouted.

"Okay. Well, I'm going to sleep. Do whatever you want." I turned to the other side of the bed. The little girl-- Lu Kai remained quiet throughout the night as I succumbed to slumber.

I had a nightmare. The dream was vivid and frightening. I was back in my small village. The bonfire in the middle of the village burned wildly. Burnt corpses raised from the fire and chased after me. My legs ran like they were flimsy twigs. I realized I was in the body of my ten-year-old self. Running away from the corpses, I hid inside a house. It turned out to be my childhood home. There I saw a small body lying on the floor. It was my little brother. Only five. He was dead. I held his body and my tears dripped onto his pale face down to his blue lips.

I awoke with my body drenched in cold sweat. Sitting up immediately to shake away the thumping of my heart, I'd forgotten about my wound. Placing my hand over my chest lightly, I managed to inhale and exhale slowly so that the pain would rescind.

My eyes wandered over to Lu Kai sleeping soundly on the bedside. Her body rested on the floor while her head lied on the side of the bed. Watching her breath softly calmed my nerves. She was alive. As long as I was living, I wanted to make sure at least one person in my life wouldn't die in front of me again.

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