Chapter 4

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"Darling, I think you should show her inside."

I was looking in one place, placing my hand on the clear glass and being pulled towards the painting under my fingers, seeing nothing going on around me, not even them.

It was a portrait of a woman, I can definitely say it wasn't his wife. A slender girl with strawberry blonde hair. Her legs are considerably longer than her upper body. Her naked silhouette is leaning against the door with a dim light behind her. His art is the most fascinating thing I've ever seen.

"I think she likes your paintings. I'm going home, I need to show Shooky around. See you later." I squinted my eyes to look at the rest of the window as Yana left us, placing an innocent kiss on her husband's lips.

"Would you like to come inside?"

Maybe it wasn't even his first question, I nodded at one of what I could hear, and I followed him in. His studio was in an unsettling mess, a typical art gallery with tubes of paint that seemed to have been randomly thrown, canvases of various sizes all over the place, brushes on the desk and cabinet. I always feel uncomfortable in environments, but this time it didn't happen.

Maybe I'm just too fascinated to see what's going on.

I raised my hand as I walked towards one that was leaning against the corner of the wall, "Don't touch it, it's not dry yet."

At Yoongi's instruction, I immediately lowered my hand back, "I'm sorry."

"Do you drink coffee?" he stood behind me with his hands on his hips as if he wanted to chat.

"No, I have." I held up the cardboard cup I bought from the coffee shop before I passed the gallery.

"Oh yes excuse me. I'm going to get one for myself, you can look at them. Just don't touch it."

I started sneaking around as soon as I heard his steps towards me.I've been thinking about him since last night, but I found his art so dazzling that I forgot about the nervousness of being alone with him.

In order to find a different version of the portrait of the girl I saw in the window, I turned to one of the canvases that caught my attention. It was the same girl drawn from a different angle. This time she was sitting, with a sad expression on her face. It gave a melancholy and depressive air, like all the ones I've seen so far.

I know he said I shouldn't touch them, but I couldn't help it when I realized that another one was hidden behind the canvas. Holding the pointed corner, I pulled the painting aside slightly and felt a palpitation that I had never felt before. It would be wrong to call it heart palpitations, my stomach tightened and the air in my lungs choked I felt it burning.

It's the same girl. Now she's lying on the silk sheets. Her eyes are wide open, her arms are by her head, but her head is on her torso. Her limbs are tangled like intertwined ocean waves. Very different from the previous one, the same person but not her anymore. Beneath the complex body, at the bottom of the table corner is the name, Celeste.

All of a sudden I felt severe nausea. Is this what they call modern art? Despite the anxiety knocking on my door, I suddenly heard footsteps approaching behind me as I covered up to leave as I found it.

"Do you like it? I did it a short time ago."

"I don't know, it's a little weird." I said laughing.

"It should be. Art has no limits."

"You have a wide imagination."

"I always dream of something." He leaned his hips on the table to sip his coffee.

I turned my body in his direction to look into his eyes, he has strange eyes. Magic. Like the ocean, dark and deep.

I know what you think I should do, run away without looking back. Seconds ago I saw the reflection of his sick imagination. But instead I silently raised my hand and decided to pluck the forbidden apple from its branch.

"Can you draw me like that?" I asked, pointing to the previous painting, where Celeste was sitting among the covers with sad eyes.

"You do realize that the model is naked, right?" his sharp lips curved up cautiously, distantly, but somewhat excitedly.

I said to him, "I'm fully aware."

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